Europe bound : faultlines and frontlines of security in the Balkans / edited by Jody Jensen. Szombathely : Savaria University Press, 2003. (Savaria Books on Politics, Culture and Society, ISSN 1589-6242; 4.). ISBN 963-9438-16-2.
Spis treści przedstawia się imponująco:
Preface / Jody Jensen -- I. Lessons frome the Past for the Future in the Balkans -- The Future of Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europeans in the New Europe / Iván Vitányi -- Europe and the Balkans: A Strategy for Integration / Michael Lake -- The Present and Future Role of the EU in Balkan Reconstruction and Integration / Guy Vanhaeverbeke -- Lessons for EU Conflict Management from the Balkans / Simon Duke -- Regional Cooperation as an Instrument for Conflict Prevention: The Case of the Stability Pact for Southeastern Europe / Florian Bieber -- A Europe of Regions: Promoting European Unity and Diversity in the Balkans / Jacques Paul Klein -- II. Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Civil Society and Regional Cooperation -- Bosnia - Living on a Knife Edge / Nick Thorpe -- Kosovo: Under the Surface / László Mátay -- Challenges for Macedonia: Democratization, Stabilization, Integration / Veton Latifi -- The Possibility of an Emerging Civil Society in Macedonia / Simon Parais -- Towards a Common Future: Perspectives for Future Cooperation in Southeast and Central Europe / Violeta Besirevic -- III. The Price of Admission: Romania and Turkish Prospects -- Nationalism, Identity and Regionalism in Romania / Smaranda Enache -- Is the Playing Field Level? Turkey’s Place in the Accession Queue / Attila Török -- Turkey and the Enlargement Process of the European Union / Atila Eralp -- IV. New Challenges in an Enlarged European Space -- Identity Politics in Europe after Eastward Enlargement / George Schöpflin -- New European Identities: Central Europe, the EU Eastern Enlargement and Identity Formation / Mitja Zagar -- New Frontiers in Europe: Extending Schengen Eastwards / Heather Grabbe -- Faultlines and Frontlines of Security: Regional and Global Challenges for Europe / Jody Jensen.
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