Britain and European Integration Since 1945 / David Gowland, Alex Wright, Arthur Turner. Taylor & Francis Ltd., 2010, ISBN 9780415322133, 213 p.
Spis treści: 1. Limited liability, 1945-1955 -- 2. Agonizing reappraisal, 1956-1972 -- 3. Adjustment to Membership, 1973-1984 -- 4.Trench warfare, 1985-1997 -- 5. Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales in the European Community/Union, 1973-1998 -- 6. The Blair governments and European integration 1997-2007 -- 7. The European Union and Constitutional change in the United Kingdom since 1999 -- 8. Continuity and Change since 1945.
Book jacket: This up-to-date book offers a comprehensive introduction to Britain's relations with the European Community and the European Union since 1945, combining an historical account with political analysis to illustrate the changing and multifaceted nature of British and European politics. Written in an accessible and student-friendly style, this book examines the: history of Britain and the European Union; factors that have shaped British policy and attitudes towards European integration; role of the British press in shaping popular and elitist attitudes towards Europe; impact of Europeanization on devolution and British identity; Europhile, Eurosceptic and Europhobic positions; problems of sovereignty, legitimacy and accountability; and, economic implications of Britain adopting the Euro currency. This volume will be of great interest to students of British history, British politics, and European politics.
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