Ukazał się kolejny rocznik International Antitrust Law & Policy (2009) Annual Proceedings of the Fordham Competition Law Institute. Opublikowane w tym tomie materiały dotyczą 36-tej dorocznej konferencji zorganizowanej przez Fordham Competition Law Institute (tutaj), która odbyła się w Nowym Jorku w dn. 24-25 września 2009 roku. Wiele wystąpień dotyczyło unijnego prawa konkurencji (w konferencji uczestniczyła Neelie Kroes, ówczesny komisarz z tym portfolio), spis treści poniżej:
1. Oligopolistic market power – an Israeli perspective / Ronit Kan, Ilan Steiner -- 2. Striving for the optimal balance in antitrust enforcement: single-firm conduct, antitrust remedies and procedural fairness / Christine A. Varney -- Chapter 3. International antitrust: recent developments and trends / A. Paul Victor, Bernhard Heitzer, Ronit Kan, Jon Leibowitz, Philip Lowe, Graeme Samuel, Philip J. Weiser -- Chapter 4. Antitrust and state aid control – the lessons learned / Neelie Kroes -- Chapter 5. State aids and EU competition law and policy — Q & A / Neelie Kroes. 6. European state aid policy in search of a standard. What is the role of economic analysis? / Alberto Heimler -- 7. EU and UK competition laws and the financial crisis. The price of avoiding systemic failure / Simon Polito. 8. Government aid, antitrust enforcement and competition in a distressed economy / James F. Rill -- 9. European state aid law in the financial and economic crisis — has the Commission risen to the challenge? / Ulrich Soltész, Christian von Köckritz -- 10. Government aid and competition conditions / Bernard Spitz -- 11. State aids and EU competition law and policy / Frédéric Jenny, Seth Bloom, Alberto Heimler, Philip Lowe, Susan Bright, James F. Rill, Ulrich Soltesz, Bernard Spitz -- 12. Does generic entry always increase consumer welfare? / Henry Grabowski, Tracy Lewis, Rahul Guha, Zoya Ivanova, Maria Salgado and Sally Woodhouse -- 13. Parallel trade in pharmaceuticals: firm responses and competition policy / Margaret K. Kyle -- 14. Patent settlements and authorized generics — legal and practical issues / Caroline B. Manogue -- 15. Pricing in the pharmaceutical industry in Spain: an overview of regulatory developments and its implications under competition law / Edurne Navarro Varona, Luis Moscoso del Prado -- 16. The intersection between EU competition law, the free movement of goods and the pharmaceutical industry: some observations on the role of intent / Anne Nielsen. 17. The application of European competition law to the pharmaceutical sector — some personal thoughts / Dominik Schnichels -- 18. Pharmaceutical industry and competition law / Luc Gyselen, William E. Kovacic, Margaret K. Kyle, Tracy R. Lewis, Caroline B. Manogue, Anne N. Nielsen, Dominik Schnichels -- 19. Resale price maintenance: explaining the controversy, and small steps towards a more nuanced policy / Matthew Bennett, Amelia Fletcher, Emanuele Giovannetti, David Stallibrass -- 20. Resale price maintenance in the EU: in statu quo ante bellum? / Eric Gippini-Fournier -- 21. The Leegin opportunity: a reasonable minimum resale price maintenance enforcement policy in the United States / Tommy Prud’homme -- 22. Resale price maintenance and Article 81 EC: developing a more sensible analytical approach / Andreas P. Reindl -- 23. Assessing the reasonableness of the rule of reason: the world after Leegin / Christine Wilson, Bimal Patel, Katrina Robson -- 24. Vertical restraints, RPM and Article 81 Analysis / Andreas Reindl, Ameilia Fletcher, Eric Gippini Fournier, Edurne Navarro Varona, Damien Neven, Tommy Prud’homme, Nils Wahl, Christine Wilson.
Dodatkowe informacje o roczniku można znaleźć na stronie wydawcy (Juris Publishing, Inc.). Biblioteka w Natolinie prenumeruje ten rocznik od początku swojej działalności i posiada w zbiorach 18 tomów wydanych w tej serii (tutaj zaglądamy do katalogu).
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1. Oligopolistic market power – an Israeli perspective / Ronit Kan, Ilan Steiner -- 2. Striving for the optimal balance in antitrust enforcement: single-firm conduct, antitrust remedies and procedural fairness / Christine A. Varney -- Chapter 3. International antitrust: recent developments and trends / A. Paul Victor, Bernhard Heitzer, Ronit Kan, Jon Leibowitz, Philip Lowe, Graeme Samuel, Philip J. Weiser -- Chapter 4. Antitrust and state aid control – the lessons learned / Neelie Kroes -- Chapter 5. State aids and EU competition law and policy — Q & A / Neelie Kroes. 6. European state aid policy in search of a standard. What is the role of economic analysis? / Alberto Heimler -- 7. EU and UK competition laws and the financial crisis. The price of avoiding systemic failure / Simon Polito. 8. Government aid, antitrust enforcement and competition in a distressed economy / James F. Rill -- 9. European state aid law in the financial and economic crisis — has the Commission risen to the challenge? / Ulrich Soltész, Christian von Köckritz -- 10. Government aid and competition conditions / Bernard Spitz -- 11. State aids and EU competition law and policy / Frédéric Jenny, Seth Bloom, Alberto Heimler, Philip Lowe, Susan Bright, James F. Rill, Ulrich Soltesz, Bernard Spitz -- 12. Does generic entry always increase consumer welfare? / Henry Grabowski, Tracy Lewis, Rahul Guha, Zoya Ivanova, Maria Salgado and Sally Woodhouse -- 13. Parallel trade in pharmaceuticals: firm responses and competition policy / Margaret K. Kyle -- 14. Patent settlements and authorized generics — legal and practical issues / Caroline B. Manogue -- 15. Pricing in the pharmaceutical industry in Spain: an overview of regulatory developments and its implications under competition law / Edurne Navarro Varona, Luis Moscoso del Prado -- 16. The intersection between EU competition law, the free movement of goods and the pharmaceutical industry: some observations on the role of intent / Anne Nielsen. 17. The application of European competition law to the pharmaceutical sector — some personal thoughts / Dominik Schnichels -- 18. Pharmaceutical industry and competition law / Luc Gyselen, William E. Kovacic, Margaret K. Kyle, Tracy R. Lewis, Caroline B. Manogue, Anne N. Nielsen, Dominik Schnichels -- 19. Resale price maintenance: explaining the controversy, and small steps towards a more nuanced policy / Matthew Bennett, Amelia Fletcher, Emanuele Giovannetti, David Stallibrass -- 20. Resale price maintenance in the EU: in statu quo ante bellum? / Eric Gippini-Fournier -- 21. The Leegin opportunity: a reasonable minimum resale price maintenance enforcement policy in the United States / Tommy Prud’homme -- 22. Resale price maintenance and Article 81 EC: developing a more sensible analytical approach / Andreas P. Reindl -- 23. Assessing the reasonableness of the rule of reason: the world after Leegin / Christine Wilson, Bimal Patel, Katrina Robson -- 24. Vertical restraints, RPM and Article 81 Analysis / Andreas Reindl, Ameilia Fletcher, Eric Gippini Fournier, Edurne Navarro Varona, Damien Neven, Tommy Prud’homme, Nils Wahl, Christine Wilson.
Dodatkowe informacje o roczniku można znaleźć na stronie wydawcy (Juris Publishing, Inc.). Biblioteka w Natolinie prenumeruje ten rocznik od początku swojej działalności i posiada w zbiorach 18 tomów wydanych w tej serii (tutaj zaglądamy do katalogu).
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