Dr Nicholas Moussis jest autorem książki pt. Access to European Union. Law, economics, policies, której 18-ste wydanie ukazało się w ubiegłym roku (ISBN 9782930119533). Książka, która jest przewodnikiem po instytucjach wspólnotowych i prezentuje szerokie spektrum polityk i działań Unii Europejskiej, została przetłumaczona na kilkanaście języków. Dla osób zainteresowanych problematyką unijną to lektura obowiązkowa.
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Spis treści wersji elektronicznej: Part I: Evolution, law and institutions of the EC/EU -- 1. The evolution of European integration -- 2. The European Treaties -- 3. European law and finances -- 4. European institutions -- Part II: The stages of the multinational integration process -- 5. Customs union -- 6. The EU common market -- 7. Economic and monetary union -- 8.Towards a political union in Europe -- Part III: EU Policies concerning the citizens -- 9. Citizens' rights and participation in the EU -- 10. Information, audiovisual and cultural policies in the EU -- 11. Consumer protection in the EU -- Part IV: EU horizontal policies -- 12. EU regional development policy -- 13. EU social progress policies -- 14. EU taxation policy -- 15. EU competition policy -- 16. EU environmental policy -- Part V: EU Sectoral Policies -- 17. EU Industrial and enterprise policies -- 18. EU research and technology policies -- 19. EU energy policy -- 20. EU transport policy -- 21. EU agricultural policy -- 22. EU fisheries policy -- Part VI: The external policies of the European Community -- 23. EU commercial policy -- 24. EU's development aid policy -- 25. The external relations of the European Community.
Spis treści wersji elektronicznej: Part I: Evolution, law and institutions of the EC/EU -- 1. The evolution of European integration -- 2. The European Treaties -- 3. European law and finances -- 4. European institutions -- Part II: The stages of the multinational integration process -- 5. Customs union -- 6. The EU common market -- 7. Economic and monetary union -- 8.Towards a political union in Europe -- Part III: EU Policies concerning the citizens -- 9. Citizens' rights and participation in the EU -- 10. Information, audiovisual and cultural policies in the EU -- 11. Consumer protection in the EU -- Part IV: EU horizontal policies -- 12. EU regional development policy -- 13. EU social progress policies -- 14. EU taxation policy -- 15. EU competition policy -- 16. EU environmental policy -- Part V: EU Sectoral Policies -- 17. EU Industrial and enterprise policies -- 18. EU research and technology policies -- 19. EU energy policy -- 20. EU transport policy -- 21. EU agricultural policy -- 22. EU fisheries policy -- Part VI: The external policies of the European Community -- 23. EU commercial policy -- 24. EU's development aid policy -- 25. The external relations of the European Community.