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Euro Crash : The Implications of Monetary Failure in Europe / Brendan Brown. London : Palgrave Macmillan, 2010, ISBN 9780230229105.

Table of Contents: 1. Euro indictment -- 2. Origins of the euro-bubble -- 3. The bursting of the bubble -- 4. The trial -- 5. What remedies?

Book Jacket: "This book addresses the number one issue in international economics and finance -- the causes of the global credit bubble and bust. Amidst the current investigations to determine blame and remedies, European Monetary Union (EMU) and the European Central Bank (ECB) have hitherto remained outside the target areas for research. This book, a sequel to the well-received Euro on Trial (hailed by International Business Review as 'the euro-skeptic's bible) corrects for that omission,arguing that the launch of a deeply-flawed EMU, together with subsequent grave policy errors by the ECB, played key roles in providing fuel for the looming economic and financial disasters. Dr. Brown explores the possible remedies which would improve the functioning of EMU, including a complete re-vamp of the ECB's monetary framework.

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