W kolekcji książek pojawiła sie pozycja o numerze inwentzrzowym 29000: From policy to implementation in the European Union : the challenge of a multi-level governance system / Simona Milio. 2010 I B Tauris & Company Ltd, Library of European studies, vol. 13, ISBN 9781848851238 [call number 29000].
Spis treści: Part I: The Struggle to Implement European Union Policies: Political and Administrative Factors in the Member States -- 1. Multi-level Governance and the Implementation Gap -- 2. Cohesion Policy: A Case Study of Implementation Variation among Member States -- 3. Administrative and Political Preconditions for Multi-level Governance -- Part II: Multi-level Governance and Implementation Performance: Lessons from Italy -- 4. From the Intervento Straordinario to Multi-level Governance: Policy Shifts in Italian Regional Policy, 1992-2004 -- 5. The First Set of Preconditions for Multi-level Governance -- 6. The Second Set of Preconditions for Multi-level Governance -- Part III: The Effect of Multi-level Governance in an Old and in a New Member State -- 7. Evidence from Structural Funds Implementation in Two Spanish Regions / Fabiola Mota, Andrea Noferini -- 8. The Impact of Policy Implementation in Poland: Centralisation, Decentralisation and Recentralisation / Justyna Glusman -- 9. Improving Implementation Performance in the European Union Multi-level Governance Framework.
BOOK JACKET: "Is the EU multi-level governance system weakening the implementation of policies at a state level? It does appear that a clear gap exists between European Union level policy-making and Member State implementation. All too often, EU public policy content and planning are little more than statements of intent without successful adoption. Policy implementation processes are the key follow-up of policy cycles, as they turn ideas into social output. Simona Milio argues that implementation deficiencies are a direct result of the multi-level structure of European governance. Italy, Spain and Poland are studied in order to identify the main factors undermining implementation process. The findings will help guide future strategies to improve implementation processes both within old and new Member States, thus minimising past mistakes in the multi-level system of EU governance."
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