EU Law : Text, Cases, and Materials (5th ed.)

Dwa dni temu do naszych zbiorów została włączona piąta edycja znanego podręcznika do prawa unijnego, a mianowicie

EU Law : Text, Cases, and Materials (5th ed.) / Paul Craig and Gráinne de Búrca. Oxford University Press, 2011, ISBN 9780199576999 (do naszego katalogu tędy).

Popularny "Craig i de Burca" to lektura obowiązkowa (i w zasadzie kanoniczna)[1] dla studentów prawa europejskiego i wszystkich osób zainteresowanych porządkiem instytucjonalnym oraz generalnie prawnymi aspektami funkcjonowania Unii Europejskiej w całej jej rozciągłości. Podręcznik został gruntownie zaktualizowany i uwzględnia zmiany w systemie prawa UE wprowadzone przez Traktat z Lizbony. Objętość: ponad 1300 stron!

Spis treści: 1. The Development of European Integration -- 2. Institutions -- 3. Competence -- 4. Instruments and the Hierarchy of Norms -- 5. Legislation and Decision-Making -- 6. New Forms of Governance -- 7. The Nature and Effect of EU Law. Direct Effect and Beyond -- 8. The Application of EU Law. Remedies in National Courts -- 9. The Relationship between EU Law and National Law. Supremacy -- 10. EU International Relations Law -- 11. Human Rights in the EU -- 12. Enforcement Action against Member States -- 13. Preliminary Rulings -- 14. Review of Legality. Access -- 15. Review of Legality. Grounds of Review -- 16. Damages Actions and Money Claims -- 17. The Single Market -- 18. Free Movement of Goods. Duties, Charges, and Taxes -- 19. Free Movement of Goods. Quantitative Restrictions -- 20. Free Movement of Capital and Economic and Monetary Union -- 21. Free Movement of Workers -- 22. Freedom of Establishment and to Provide Services -- 23. Citizenship of the European Union -- 24. Equal Treatment and Non-Discrimination -- 25. AFSJ : EU Criminal Law -- 26. Competition Law. Article 101 -- 27. Competition Law. Article 102 -- 28. Competition Law. Mergers -- 29. The State and the Common Market.

Informacja od wydawcy: "The fifth edition of Craig & de Búrca EU Law : Text, Cases, and Materials provides clear and insightful analysis of all aspects of European Law in the post Lisbon era. Building on its unrivalled reputation as the definitive EU Text, Cases, and materials book, this edition looks in detail at the way in which the Treaty of Lisbon has radically changed both the institutional and substantive law of the European Union. Paul Craig and Gráinne de Búrca are noted scholars on European Law who have a wealth of experience of both teaching and writing in this subject area. Working closely as an author team for nearly twenty years, they succeed in bringing together a unique mix of illuminating commentary and well-chosen extracts from a wide range of primary and secondary materials. Many of the chapters have been substantially or wholly rewritten, including those on key areas such as Institutions, Legal Instruments and the Hierarchy of Norms, Competences, and Legislation and Decision-Making. All of the chapters have been revised to take account of developments in case law and legislation, and to make students aware of cutting edge academic debates. There is in addition a new chapter on EU Criminal Law. The new edition therefore gives readers a clear understanding of the changes made by the Lisbon Treaty and the way in which the legal and political landscape has developed since it came into force."

Na stronie wydawnictwa (OUP) warto jeszcze spojrzeć na zakładkę Online Resource Centre (łącze tutaj) zawierającą dodatkowe materiały od autorów książki, w tym interaktywne mapy państw członkowskich (choć stronę dotyczącą Polski należałoby jednak zaktualizować, przynajmniej w kwestii nazwiska obecnego Prezydenta) i procesu integracji europejskiej w ujęciu historycznym. Najciekawszym dodatkiem elektronicznym jest bezsprzecznie kilkunastominutowy wykład Prof. Craiga pod tytułem "Why is it so important to study EU law?" (grudzień 2010 r., tutaj).

Miłej lektury!

[1] "Holy Bible od European Law" używając barwnej metafory Janka Sz. z wtorkowego spotkania ze studentami nowego rocznika ;-)
