Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies vol. 12 (2009-2010)

Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies (CYELS) ukazuje się od roku 1998 nakładem wydawnictwa Hart Publishing, a redagowany jest w Centre for European Legal Studies (CELS) na uniwersytecie w Cambridge, rzecz jasna. Właśnie dotarł do nas kolejny tom tego rocznika, zatem poniżej spis treści.

Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies vol. 12 (2009-2010): The Shaky Legal Foundations for Institutional Action under the Employment, Lisbon and EU2020 Strategies / Catherine Barnard -- The Rationale of State Aid Control: A Return to Orthodoxy / Andrea Biondi -- The Court of Justice of the EU and the Common European Asylum System: Entering the Third Phase of Harmonisation? / Samuel Boutruche Zarevac -- Who Exactly Benefits from the Treaties? The Murky Interaction Between Union and National Competence over the Capacity to Enforce EU Law / Michael Dougan -- The Structure of European Union Law / Pavlos Eleftheriadis -- Revisiting the Posted Workers Directive: Conflict of Laws and Laws in Contrast / Stein Evju -- Exclusion, Invasion and Abuse: Competition Law and its Constitutional Context / Daniel Francis -- Freedom of Commercial Expression and Public Health Protection in Europe / Amandine Garde -- Private Party Liability in EU Law: In Search of the General Regime / Dorota Leczykiewicz -- Trust and EU Law and Governance / Imelda Maher -- 'A Risk of Irreparable Damage': Interim Measures in Proceedings before the European Court of Human Rights / Pamela McCormick -- The European Union and the Globalisation of Criminal Law / Valsamis Mitsilegas -- Transparency and Clear Legal Language in the European Union: Ambiguous Legislative Texts, Laconic Pronouncements and the Credibility of the Judicial System / Advocate-General Eleanor Sharpston QC -- From Washington with Love—Investor–State Arbitration and the Jurisdictional Monopoly of the Court of Justice of the European Union / Philip Strik -- Economic Sanctions, Procedural Rights and Judicial Scrutiny: Post-Kadi Developments / Takis Tridimas.

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