Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies vol. 13 (2010-2011)

Dzisiaj, pomimo mroźnej i niesprzyjającej logistyce aurze, dotarł do naszej Biblioteki kolejny tom rocznika Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies (CYELS), który ukazuje się od roku 1998 nakładem wydawnictwa Hart Publishing. Ponieważ jest to dość ważna publikacja jeśli chodzi o naszą politykę gromadzenia, zatem spis treści tego rocznika zamieszczam poniżej:

1. Tipping the Balance: International Courts and the Construction of International and Domestic Politics / Karen J. Alter -- 2. Criminal Justice in the Post-Lisbon Era / Geert Corstens -- 3. 40 Years an EU Lawyer—Apologia Pro Vita Sua—Or—EU Law—A 40-Year Journey and Still Motoring / Alan Dashwood -- 4. Brussels I and Third States: Future Imperfect? / Richard Fentiman -- 5. Multi-faceted Single Legal Personality and a Hidden Horizontal Pillar: EU External Relations Post-Lisbon / Inge Govaere -- 6. To Bail Out or Not to Bail Out?—Legal Aspects of the Greek Crisis / Hannes Hofmeister -- 7. Ploughing their Own Furrow: Subnational Regions and the Regulation of GM Crop Cultivation / Jo Hunt -- 8. Identifying an Unlawful Margin Squeeze: The Recent Judgments of the Court of Justice in Deutsche Telekom and TeliaSonera / Alison Jones -- 9. Constitutional Identity as a Shield and as a Sword: The European Legal Order within the Framework of National Constitutional Settlement / Theodore Konstandinides -- 10. Posted Workers in Europe from a Private International Law Perspective  / Louise Merrett -- 11. Exit Taxation as an Obstacle to Corporate Emigration from the Spectre of EU Tax Law / Christiana HJI Panayi -- 12. The Rebirth of the EU’s Charter of Fundamental Rights / Steve Peers -- 13. Regulatory Acts within Article 263(4) TFEU—A Dissonant Extension of Locus Standi for Private Applicants / Christoph Werkmeister, Stephan Pötters, Johannes Traut -- 14. What is in an Index? A View from a European Orientated Lawyer / Geoffrey Samuel -- 15. One Law, Two Competitions: An Enquiry into the Contradictions of Free Movement Law / Alexandre Saydé -- 16. Varieties of Capitalism and the Limits of European Economic Integration / Jukka Snell --  17. The Product Liability Directive and Rome II Article 5: 'Full Harmonisation' and the Conflict of Laws / Simon Whittaker.

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