Journal of Common Market Studies

Journal of Common Market Studies (JCMS, ISSN print 0021-9886 online 1468-5965) to jeden z najważniejszych periodyków podejmujących kwestie badania  procesów integracji europejskiej i zagadnień Wspólnego Rynku. Czasopismo ukazuje się nieprzerwanie od roku 1962, a obecnie jest wydawane przez oficynę Wiley-Blackwell. Najnowszy zeszyt (vol. 51, no. 1, January 2013) jest poświęcony problemowi eurosceptycyzmu, szczegółowy spis treści poniżej.

JCMS Special Issue 2013: 'Confronting Euroscepticism'. 
Editors: Simon Usherwood, Nick Startin and Simona Guerra.

Euroscepticism as a Persistent Phenomenon / Simon Usherwood and Nick Startin -- Coming in from the Cold? Euroscepticism, Government Participation and Party Positions on Europe / Paul Taggart and Aleks Szczerbiak -- Does Familiarity Breed Contempt? Determinants of Public Support for European Integration and Opposition to It before and after Accession / Simona Guerra -- Euroscepticism and the Global Financial Crisis / Fabio Serricchio, Myrto Tsakatika and Lucia Quaglia -- Euroscepticism Re-galvanized: The Consequences of the 2005 French and Dutch Rejections of the EU Constitution / Nick Startin and André Krouwel -- Euroscepticism at the Supranational Level: The Case of the ‘Untidy Right’ in the European Parliament / Nathalie Brack -- Citizens against Europe? Civil Society and Eurosceptic Protest in Ireland, the United Kingdom and Denmark / John Fitzgibbon -- Different Varieties of Euroscepticism? Conceptualizing and Explaining Euroscepticism in Western European Non-Member States / Marianne Sundlisæter Skinner -- On Dealing with Euroscepticism / Andrew Duff -- Continuity and Change in the Study of Euroscepticism: Plus ça change? / Sofia Vasilopoulou.
