Najnowsze wydania podręczników przygotowujących do konkursów organizowanych przez EPSO są już dostępne w naszej Bibliotece:
- The Ultimate EU Test Book : Administrator (AD) edition 2013 / András Baneth. London : John Harper Publishing, 2013, ISBN 9780957150126 [do katalogu tędy] oraz
- The Ultimate EU Test Book : Assistant (AST) edition 2013 / András Baneth. London : John Harper Publishing, 2013, ISBN 9780957150119 [do katalogu tędy].
Informacje dodatkowe i spisy treści każdego z podręczników znajdują się poniżej:
The Ultimate EU Test Book : Administrator (AD) edition 2013 / András Baneth. London : John Harper Publishing, 2013, ISBN 9780957150126, spis treści: Pt.I. Getting an EU job -- 1. Working "with" or "for" the EU -- 2. The European Union's Personnel Selection and Recruitment Process -- Pt.II. Pre-selection - psychometric tests -- 1. Verbal, Numerical and Abstract Reasoning Tests in EPSO Adrninistrator Exams -- 2. Succeeding in Verbal Reasoning Tests -- 3. Verbal Reasoning Test -- 4. Succeeding in Numerical Reasoning Tests -- 5. Numerical Reasoning Test -- 6. Succeeding in Abstract Reasoning Tests -- 7. Abstract Reasoning Test -- 8. Succeeding in Situational Judgement Tests -- Sample Situational Judgement Test -- Pt.III. The Assessment Centre -- 1. About Assessment Centres and Exercises -- 2. EPSO Assessment Exercise : The Group Exercise -- Sample Group Exercise -- 3. EPSO Assessment Exercise : The Case Study -- Sample Case Study Exercise -- 4. EPSO Assessment Exercise : The Oral Presentation -- Sample Presentation Exercise -- 5. EPSO Assessment Exercise : The Structured Interview -- Sample Structured Interview -- 6. Sample Assessment Centre Reports.
The Ultimate EU Test Book : Assistant (AST) edition 2013 / András Baneth. London : John Harper Publishing, 2013, ISBN 9780957150119, spis treści: Introduction. The EU Personnel Selection and Recruitment Process for Assistants -- Pt.I. Pre-selection - Psychometric Tests -- 1. Verbal, Numerical and Abstract Reasoning Tests in EPSO Assistant Exams -- 2. Succeeding in Verbal Reasoning Tests -- 3. Verbal Reasoning Test -- 4. Succeeding in Numerical Reasoning Tests -- 5. Numerical Reasoning Test -- 6. Succeeding in Abstract Reasoning Tests -- 7. Abstract Reasoning Test -- 8. Succeeding in Situational Judgement Tests -- Pt.II. Pre-selection - Professional Skills Tests -- 1. Organising and Prioritising Test -- 2. Computer Literacy Tests -- 3. Accuracy Test -- Pt.III. The Assessment Centre for Assistants -- 1. About Assessment Centres and Exercises -- 2. The Structured Interview -- 3. The In-Tray Exercise -- 4. The Group Exercise -- 5. The Case Study -- 6. Sample Assessment Centre Reports for Assistants.
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