European Yearbook of Minority Issues 2011

Do naszych zbiorów dołączył dzisiaj dziesiąty tom European Yearbook of Minority Issues (EYMI) ukazujący się nakładem wydawnictwa Brill / Martinus Nijhoff od roku 2001. Jak zwykle układ tomu podzielony jest na trzy części: artykuły naukowe, raporty z działalności organizacji zajmujących się prawami mniejszości w wymiarze międzynarodowym i krajowym oraz przegląd wydawnictw poruszających tę problematykę. Tom 10 rocznika podejmuje w drugiej części (Special Focus) kwestie najliczniejszej na kontynencie europejskim mniejszości etnicznej, czyli Romów. Autorzy analizują problematykę mniejszości romskiej w ujęciu definicji etnicznej, orzecznictwa, ram politycznych i instytucjonalnych - jest to 9 rzetelnych artykułów, które zapewne zainteresują badaczy tematu. Szczegółowy spis treści - w nieco bardziej niż wytyczne formatu MaRC21 dla pola 505 przejrzystej formie - można przejrzeć poniżej.

European Yearbook of Minority Issues 2011 (vol. 10)

Foreword / Joseph Marko, general editor

Part I: Articles

A. General Articles Section -- The Role of Law in the Minority Discourse in the Middle East / Joshua Castellino and Kathleen Cavanaugh --  Current and Future Challenges for International Minority Protection / Francesco Palermo -- Are the Copenhagen Criteria Undermined by the Lisbon Treaty? / Kyriaki Topidi -- Linguistic Rights in a Former Empire: Minority Languages and the Russian Higher Courts / Federica Prina -- Implications of Kosovo Independence for the Doctrine of Constitutional Self-determination / Boshko Stankovski -- Do Professional Linguistic Requirements Discriminate? A Legal Analysis: Estonia and Latvia in the Spotlight / Dimitry Kochenov, Vadim Poleshchuk and Aleksejs Dimitrovs -- Soft Solutions to a Hard Problem: Justiciable Minority Rights? / Geoff Gilbert.

B. Special Focus: Roma -- Remarks on the Romani Movement and Inclusion Policies / Dieter W. Halwachs, guest editor -- 1. (Self)Definition of the Roma / Defining Roma -- Scholarship and the Politics of Romani Identity: Strategic and Conceptual Issues / Yaron Matras -- Identifying "Roma" or Constructing "the Other"? Slovak Romani Men and Women in Processes of Identification / Barbara Tiefenbacher -- 2. "Roma Issues" in Jurisprudence -- The Council of Europe and the Rescue of Roma as a Paradigmatic Case of Failed Integration? Abstract Principles versus Protection in Concreto / Kristin Henrard -- The Roma: A 'Socially Disadvantaged Group' or a 'National Minority'? Unravelling the Dichotomy through the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities / Roberta Medda-Windischer -- 3. Political Frameworks, Institutions and Participation -- The European Union and the Roma: An Analysis of Recent Institutional and Policy Developments / Peter Vermeersch -- The Roma Issue in the European Multilevel System: Ideas, Interests and Institutions behind the Failure of Inclusion Policies / Yana Kavrakova -- Solidarity, Citizenship, Democracy: The Lessons of Romani Activism / Marton Rovid -- European Framework for National Roma Policies and the Roma in the Western Balkans / Stephan Muller -- Segregation and the Roma / Rumyan Russinov.

Part II: Reports

A. International Developments -- Protecting Minority Rights through an Individual Rights Mechanism: The Strasbourg Court and some Significant Developments to June 2012 / Bill Bowring -- Review of the Monitoring Process of the Council of Europe Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities / Charlotte Altenhoener -- Developments in the Field of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages in 2011 / Vesna Crnić-Grotić -- The Activities of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities January 2011 to December 2011 / Stephanie Marsal and Jennifer Croft -- The European Union and Minorities in 2011 / Gabriel N. Toggenburg and Karen McLaughlin -- United Nations Practice in Minority Issues / Michele Buteau, Belen Rodriguez de Alba and Aleksandra Plesko

B: National Developments -- National Reunifi cation beyond Borders: Diaspora and Minority Politics in Hungary since 2010 / Szabolcs Pogonyi -- Recent Legal Developments in Sweden: What Eff ect for Finnish and Meankieli Speakers? / Heidi Ost -- The Return of Property to Community Foundations in Turkey: The Legislative Decree / Mine Yildirim -- The Reform of the Romanian Education System and its Impact on National Minorities / Sergiu Constantin -- Fascist Legacies: The Controversy over Mussolini’s Monuments in South Tyrol / Gerald Steinacher -- The Language Issue in the Context of Minorities’ and Identity Policies in Montenegro / Sofiya Zahova.

Part III: Book Reviews

1. Marc Weller (ed.) and Katherine Nobbs (assistant ed.), Political Participation of Minorities. A Commentary on International Standards and Practice (OUP, 2010), ISBN 9780199569984 / Alexandra Tomaselli -- 2. Francesco Palermo and Natalie Sabanadze, National Minorities in Inter-State Relations (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers/OSCE HCNM, 2001), ISBN 9789004175983 / Ugo Caruso -- 3. Tawhida Ahmed, The Impact of EU Law on Minority Rights, (Hart Publishing, 2011), ISBN 9781841138725 / Ulrike Barten -- 4. Emma Lantschner, Sergiu Constantin, Joseph Marko (eds.), Practice of Minority Protection in Central Europe (Nomos, 2012), ISBN 9783832960254 / Zaira Vidali.

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