Croatian Yearbook of European Law & Policy 2013

Dotarł do nas w tych dniach dziewiąty tom rocznika Croatian Yearbook of European Law and Policy (CYELP vol. 9, 2013), którego spis treści zamieszczam poniżej. Opublikowane na łamach tego szacownego periodyku artykuły są dostępne online po zalogowaniu się na stronie głównej rocznika.

Croatian Yearbook of European Law and Policy (CYELP vol. 9, 2013) -- Editorial Note: It was a good year....wasn’t it? / Adam Lazowski -- Articles -- Is There Solidarity on Asylum and Migration in the EU? / Iris Goldner Lang -- Mobility of Students and the Financial Sustainability of Higher Education Systems in the EU: A Union of Harmony or Irreconcilable Differences? / Alexander Hoogenboom -- One Says the Things Which One Feels the Need to Say, and Which the Other Will Not Understand: Slovak Pension Cases Before the CJEU and Czech Courts / Martin Petschko, Agata Barbara Capik -- Economic and Political Considerations of the Court’s Case Law Post Crisis: An Example from Tax Law and the Internal Market / Katerina Pantazatou -- Making the Most of the EU’s External Competences in the Social Affairs’ Area: The EU and the International Labour Organisation / Julija Brsakoska -- The New WTO Tuna Dolphin Decision: Reconciling Trade and Environment? / Vanda Jakir -- The British and Danish Monarchies’ Awards of Royal Warrants in Relation to EU State Aid Law and the Free Movement of Goods / Anders Mihle -- EU Bibliography / Aleksandra Car.

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