Liber amicorum Marc Maresceau

The European Union in the world : essays in honour of professor Marc Maresceau / edited by Inge Govaere, Erwan Lannon, Peter Van Elsuwege, and Stanislas Adam. Leiden : Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2014. ISBN 9789004259058 (hardback) 9789004259140 (e-book) [38710]

Powyższy zbiór esejów dotyczących prawa europejskiego i stosunków zewnętrznych UE to dar przyjaciół, współpracowników, koleżanek i kolegów oraz byłych dyplomantów dla Profesora Maresceau w uznaniu jego dorobku naukowego.
Księga honorowa ukazała się nakładem wydawnictwa Brill / Martinus Nijhoff, liczy sobie ponad 700 stron i zawiera ponad 40 rozdziałów napisanych przez wybitnych specjalistów i wykładowców oraz liczne przedmowy, włącznie z tekstem o bibliofilskich pasjach  Profesora Maresceau. Książki są bowiem drugą -- po prawie unijnym -- pasją jubilata, o czym akurat mogę solennie zaświadczyć, bo podczas każdej wizyty w Natolinie o książkach rozmawiamy, a Profesor wychodzi z Biblioteki zazwyczaj z kilkoma nowościami.

Spis treści:

Contents:  I. General principles of EU external action -- The continuing bipolarity of EU external action / Alan Dashwood -- Exclusive, shared and national competence in the context of EU external relations : do such distinctions matter? / Allan Rosas -- Direct applicability and direct effect of international law in the EU legal order / Koen Lenaerts -- The legal basis of international agreements of the European Union in the post-Lisbon era / Stanislas Adam -- The European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms as an integral part of EU law : some reflections on status and effect / Piet Eeckhout -- Loyauté du commerce, moyen de défense des intérets des Etats membres et de l'Union européenne / Christine Kaddous -- II. The institutional framework of EU external action -- The European external action service : challenges in a complex institutional framework / Peter-Christian Muller-Graff -- Can the EU replace its member states in international affairs? : an international law perspective / Ramses Wessel -- La procédure de conclusion des accords externes de l'Union européenne? : quelle unité après Lisbonne? / Cecile Rapoport -- The European parliament and international trade agreements : practice after the Lisbon treaty / Youri Devuyst -- The euro area and multilateral financial institutions and bodies : an update / Jean-Victor Louis -- III. EU external action in practice : contemporary issues -- The status of the European Union at the United Nations General Assembly / Jan Wouters, Jed Odermatt, Thomas Ramopoulos -- Novel issues pertaining to EU member states membership of other international organisations : the OIV case / Inge Govaere -- Member states of the European Union before the International Court of Justice / Francis G. Jacobs -- La juridiction unifiée du brevet : le nouvel oxymoron du droit européen / Franklin Dehousse -- La singularité de la decision dans le domaine de la politique étrangère et de sécurité commune / Claude Blumann -- L'application provisoire des accords de l'Union européenne / Catherine Flaesch-Mougin, Isabelle Bosse-Platiere -- Complémentarité et coopération entre la Cour de Justice de l'Union européenne et les juges nationaux en matière de sejour dans l'Union : des citoyens d'Etats tiers / Paolo Mengozzi -- The Costa Concordia incident and liability for passenger damage : an international and European law approach / Eduard Somers -- IV. The external dimention of EU competition policy -- EU competition law in 3D / Anne-Marie Van den Bossche -- Competition policy : the poor relation in the European Union Free Trade agreements / Jacques H. J. Bourgeois -- Bilateral treaties in the field of competition law / Piet Jan Slot -- The European Economic Area and state aid / Tony Joris -- V. The EU's bilateral relations with third countries -- The legal framework of EU-Russia relations : quo vadis? / Peter Van Elsuwege -- The transatlantic partnership : a legal and institutional appraisal / Gunter Burghardt -- The EU-South Korea free trade agreement: implications in the first year of implementation / Philippe Vlaemminck -- VI. The enlargement and proximity policies of the European Union -- Elargissements et politiques de proximité de l'UE? : libres propos sur l'intégration differenciée / Erwan Lannon -- Libres propos sur les élargissements de l'Union Europeenne / Jean-Claude Gautron -- Enlargement conditionality of the European Union and future prospects / Peter Balazs -- Overestimating conditionality / Dimitry Kochenov -- Enlarging the European Union and its fundamental rights protection / Christophe Hillion -- Universal human rights and EuroMed : an agenda / Peter G. Xuereb -- Accession to the EU, but to which EU? : the legal impact of the constantly evolving EMU acquis on the EU enlargement process / Jenö Czuczai -- The end of spheres of influence by encroachment of rivals : the case of the EU and the US / Alfred Tovias. 

Miłej lektury!
