International Antitrust Law & Policy 2013

Annual proceedings of the Fordham Competition Law Institute : International Antitrust Law & Policy: Fordham Competition Law 2013 / ed. Barry E. Hawk. 2014, Juris Publishing, Inc., ISBN 9781578233410- materiały z czterdziestej konferencji organizowanej przez Fordham Competition Law Institute (FCLI) są już dostępne w naszych zbiorach. Bez zbędnych komentarzy i zachęt zapraszam do zapoznania się ze spisem treści poniżej. A warto, bo nie tylko unijne, ale i polskie akcenty zauważalne. O wcześniejszych tomach można przeczytać tutaj, zapraszam!
International Antitrust Law & Policy: Fordham Competition Law 2013: Chap. 1. Revisiting Recommendations of the U.S. Antitrust Modernization Commission with Respect -- To Competitor Agreements / Deborah A. Garza -- Chap. 2. Competitor Agreements under EU and U.S. Antitrust Law / A. Paul Victor, William J. Baer, Deborah Garza, Alexander Italianer, Mario Siragusa -- Chap. 3. Agreements And Competition Enforcement: The Choice Between Preventive and Repressive Channels / Vinicius Marques De Carvalho -- Chap. 4. Several Strokes of Black and a Palette of Grays: Competitor Agreements Through the Eyes of an Enforcement Agency / Bruno Lasserre -- Chap. 5. Unraveling the Brazilian Antitrust Settlement Practice--A First Glance / Gabriel Nogueira Dias, Francisco Niclós Negrão, Raquel Cândido, Thaís De Sousa Guerra -- Chap. 6. Competitor Agreements under Brazilian Antitrust Law and EU Member State Laws / A. Paul Victor, Vinicius Marques De Carvalho, Bruno Lasserre, Francisco Niclós Negrão, Mario Siragusa -- Chap. 7. The Use of Economic Theory and Evidence in Recent Phase II EU Mergers: A Practitioner's Viewpoint / Jorge Padilla -- Chap. 8. EU Merger Control since the Introduction of the 2004 Reforms / Tony Reeves, Frances Dethmers -- Chap. 9. Mergers and Antitrust Analysis / James Keyte, Johannes Luebking, Andreas Mundt, Aviv Nevo, Jorge Padilla, Tony Reeves, Joshua Wright -- Chap. 10. Unilateral Conduct: Recent Developments in the United States / Susan A. Creighton, Ben Labow -- Chap. 11. The European Commission's Commitments Decisions in Abuse of Dominance Cases / Luc Gyselen -- Chap. 12. Future of Unilateral Conduct Enforcement and Policy: EU and U.S. Perspectives / William Kovacic, Joaquin Almunia, Susan Creighton, Luc Gyselen, Edith Ramirez -- Chap. 13. The Future of the Law of Abuse of Dominance / Eleanor M. Fox -- Chap. 14. Future of Unilateral Conduct Enforcement and Policy--A Polish Perspective / Małgorzata Krasnodębska-Tomkiel -- Chap. 15. Dominance, Collectivism and Behaviorism: New Perspectives? / Jaroslaw Sroczynski -- Chap. 16. Future of Unilateral Conduct Enforcement and Policy: Polish And Mexican Perspectives / William Kovacic, Eleanor Fox, Małgorzata Krasnodębska-Tomkiel, Eduardo Perez Motta, Jaroslaw Sroczynski -- Chap. 17. The Role of the Court in the Public Enforcement of Competition Law / Sir Gerald Barling -- Chap. 18. Judicial Review of Antitrust Decisions in Brazil / Ricardo Villas Bôas Cueva -- Chap. 19. Procedural Issues in Recent Case-Law--The EU Courts / Nils Wahl -- Chap. 20. Antitrust in the Courts / Frédéric Jenny, Gerald Barling, Ricardo Villas Boas Cueva, Dennis Davis, Nils Wahl, Vaughn Walker.

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