Dotarł do nas najnowszy, 32-gi tom (2013) Yearbook of European Law wydawanego przez OUP - z drobnym opóźnieniem ze względu na zmianę dostawcy, niemniej jednak kolekcja została już uzupełniona. Standardowo, poniżej spis treści rocznika 2013 oraz moja ulubiona sekcja 'Book Reviews'. Jednej z recenzowanych książek (ostatnia w spisie) nie mamy, ale ponieważ właśnie kilka dni temu ukazała się wersja w miękkiej oprawie, to niedługo uzupełnimy to przeoczenie. A tak przy okazji to ceny książek Routledge'a mogą przyprawić o ból głowy: 80 funtów za 140-sto stronnicowy hardback! Wpisy poświęcone wcześniejszym tomom tutaj: tag YEL.
Yearbook of European Law 2013 (vol. 32)
Composite Decision-Making and Accountability Networks: Some Deductions from a Saga / Carol Harlow -- Equal Treatment of Atypical Workers: A New Frontier for EU Law? / Steve Peers -- European Economic and Monetary Union: History, Trends, and Prospects / Rosa M. Lastra and Jean-Victor Louis -- Constitutionalization by Association? The Doubtful Case of the European Economic Area / Thomas Burri and Benedikt Pirker -- The Arab Uprisings and the European Union: In Search of a Comprehensive Strategy / Jan Wouters and Sanderijn Duquet -- Do Consumers and Businesses Need a New Architecture of Consumer Law? A Thought Provoking Impulse / Hans-W. Micklitz -- Law and Governance as Checks and Balances in Transatlantic Security: Rights, Redress, and Remedies in EU-US Passenger Name Records and the Terrorist Finance Tracking Program / Elaine Fahey -- The Law on Abuses of Dominance and the System of Judicial Remedies / Pablo Ibanez Colomo -- Looking for Substance at the Boundaries: European Citizenship and Mutual Recognition of Belonging / Francesca Strumia -- The Role of the Principle Fraus Omnia Corrumpit in the European Union: A Possible Evolution Towards a General Principle of Law? / Annekatrien Lenaerts -- Book Reviews -- European Constitutional Law by Robert Schütze [ISBN 9780521732758] / Tobias Lock -- Integration for Third-Country Nationals in the European Union: The Equality Challenge by Sonia Morano-Foadi and Micaela Malena (eds) [ISBN 9780857936813] / Alina Tryfonidou -- Research Handbook on European State Aid Law by Erika Szyszczak (ed) [ISBN 9781849802741] / Luca Rubini -- EU Law in Criminal Law Practice by Duncan Atkinson (ed) [ISBN 9780199664252] / Ester Herlin-Karnell -- The Law and Policy of Harmonisation in Europe's Internal Market by Isidora Maletic [ISBN 9781781004135] / Jukka Snell -- Liberalising Trade in the EU and the WTO: A Legal Comparison by Sanford E. Gaines, Birgitte Egelund Olsen, and Karsten Engsig Sorensen (eds) [ISBN 9781107012752] / Elisa Baroncini -- The Accession of the European Union to the European Convention on Human Rights by Paul Gragl [ISBN 9781849464604] / Tobias Lock -- Philosophical Foundations of European Union Law by Julie Dickson and Pavlos Eleftheriadis (eds) [ISBN 9780199588770] / Hans-W. Micklitz -- Environmental Governance in Europe and Asia: A Comparative Study of Institutional and Legislative Frameworks by Jona Razzaque [ISBN 9780415496544 hbk / 9781138805217 pbk] / Elisa Morgera.
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