OSCE Yearbook 2013

Ukazał się kolejny, 19-sty już tom rocznika Organizacji Bezpieczeństwa i Współpracy w Europie (OBWE, OSCE). Serię OSCE Yearbook przykładnie gromadzimy (do katalogu tędy), przede wszystkim dlatego, że podejmowana na łamach rocznika tematyka jest arcy-zbieżna z naszą polityką gromadzenia, a poza tym jest to tytuł występujący w polskich bibliotekach raczej rzadko: NUKAT nic o nim nie wspomina, kilka tomów ma Biblioteka PISM i to chyba tyle. Rocznik jest wydawany od roku 1995 przez Nomos, a najnowszy tom to efekt współpracy z Bloomsbury Publishing, więcej szczegółów na stronie wydawnictwa. Szczegółowy spis treści poniżej:

OSCE Yearbook 2013 (vol. 19): Foreword by the Chairperson-In-Office / Leonid Kozhara -- Preface / Ursel Schlichimg -- I. States of Affairs - Affairs of State -- The OSCE and European Security -- The Helsinki +40 Process: A Chance to Assess the Relevance of the OSCE's Comprehensive Security Model in the 21st Century / Marcel Pesko -- Russian-US Relations: Beyond the Reset Policy / Victor Mizin -- A Euro-Atlantic and Eurasian Security Community: A New Role for the OSCE / Adam Daniel Rotfeld -- The OSCE Participating States: Domestic Developments and Multilateral Commitment -- Switzerland's OSCE Chairmanship in 2014: A Challenge and an Opportunity / Daniel Trachsler -- Armenia in 2013: Between a Rock and a Hard Place / Hans-Jochen Schmidt -- Kazakhstan: Will Conservative Modernization Succeed? / Sebastian Schiek -- II. Responsibilities, Instruments, Mechanisms, and Procedures -- Conflict Prevention and Dispute Settlement -- Early Warning and Early Action - Current Developments in OSCE Conflict Prevention Activities / Claus Neukirch -- Comprehensive Security: The Three Dimensions and Cross-Dimensional Challenges -- Internet Freedom - Past and Current Challenges / Dunja Mijatovic -- Focus on Transnational Threats and Challenges: Policing, Anti-Terrorism, and Border Management -- Transnational Threats and Challenges - An Emerging Key Focus of the OSCE / Wolfgang Zellner -- The OSCE Strategic Framework for Police-Related Activities / Thorsten Stodiek -- OSCE Action against Terrorism: Consolidation, Continuity, and Future Focus / Reinhard Uhrig, Ben Hiller -- Borders and Borderlands: Working across the Lines That Divide Us in Central Asia / Roman Makukha, Penny Satches Brohs, Jonathan Тrumble -- Community Policing in Germany / Thomas Felles -- The European Border Surveillance System EUROSUR: The Computerization, Standardization, and Virtualization of Border Management in Europe / Sabrina Ellebrecht -- The OSCE's Final Frontier / Kurt P. Tudyka -- III. Organizational Aspects -- OSCE Institutions and Structures -- Ireland's 2012 Chairmanship of the OSCE / Frank Cogan -- The OSCE Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions: Baby Steps / Wolfgang Zellner -- OSCE Public Diplomacy - From Communiqués to Cyberspace / Cathie Burton -- External Relations and Influence -- OSCE Engagement with Afghanistan: Recent Developments, Opportunities, and Challenges / Arantzazu Pagoaga Ruiz de la Illa -- Mediation and Conflict Resolution in the Arab World: The Role of the Arab League / Hesham Youssef -- Annexes -- Forms and Forums of Co-operation in the OSCE Area The 57 OSCE Participating States - Facts and Figures -- OSCE Conferences, Meetings, and Events 2012/201 -- OSCE Selected Bibliography 2012/2013 -- Abbreviations -- Contributors.

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