Poland and Spain

I jeszcze jeden ciekawy dar: Poland and Spain in Contemporary World / edited by Małgorzata Mizerska-Wrotkowska and Jose Luis Orella Martinez. 2014, Schedas, ISBN 9788494225642, tym razem podziękowania należą się Panu Profesorowi Jackowi Czaputowiczowi. Książka niebawem trafi na półkę, więcej szczegółów na stronie wydawcy (tutaj) tymczasem proponuję zapoznać się ze szczegółowym spisem treści, jak zwykle poniżej:

Poland and Spain in Contemporary World / edited by Małgorzata Mizerska-Wrotkowska and Jose Luis Orella Martinez: Preface / Álvaro Ferrary -- Introduction / Małgorzata Mizerska-Wrotkowska, José Luis Orella Martínez -- Poland's Foreign Policy in the Years 1945-1980 / Józef Tymanowski -- 1. Poland in the international political arena after World War II -- 2. Poland's foreign policy under the government of Władysław Gomułka -- 3. Poland's foreign policy under Edward Gierek's leadership -- 4. Conclusions -- 5. Bibliography -- Spain's Foreign Policy in the Years 1945-1975 / Małgorzata Mizerska-Wrotkowska -- 1. Spain on the international stage in the aftermath of World War II -- 2. Spain's foreign policy 1953-69 -- 3. Spanish foreign policy 1969-75 -- 4. Conclusions -- 5. Bibliography -- Poland's Security Policy after the Second World War / Jacek Czaputowicz -- 1. Security policy during the Cold War -- 2. Security policy after achievement of independence in 1989 -- 3. Poland and the European Security and Defence Policy -- 4. Poland's security policy in strategic documents -- 5. Conclusions -- 6. Bibliography -- Defence Policy and Safety Perceptions in Franco's Spain / Juan Carlos Jiménez Redondo -- 1. The basis of the safety and defence policy in Spain 1945-1975 -- 2. Potential sources of thread 1093. Methods and instruments of the safety policy -- 4. Conclusions -- 5. Bibliography -- Danubian and Polish Exile in Contemporary Spain / José Luis Orella -- 1. Spain and Central European delegations -- 2. Colegio Mayor Santiago Apóstol -- 3. The new emigration to democratic Spain -- 4. Bibliography -- The Spanish Exile in Poland (1939-1955) / Cristina Barreiro -- 1. Spain 1939 : starting point to the exodus -- 2. The Spanish government in exile and the Central and Eastern Europe : the Polish legacy -- 3. Spanish exile in Poland : post operation Bolero-Paprika refugees -- 4. Bibliography -- Questions of Polish Identity in the Context of European Integration / Konstanty Adam Wojtaszczyk -- 1. National identity - conceptualization of the concept -- 2. The origins and development of Polish national identity -- 3. The European identity -- 4. Polish national identity and European identity -- 5. Poland vis-a-vis the European Union's development dilemmas -- 6. Conclusions -- 7. Bibliography -- Spain – Europe : a Strange Relationship / José Díaz Nieva -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Today's Spain -- 3. Spain and Europe yesterday -- 4. The complex of Spain -- 5. Spain and Europe today -- 6. Spain – Latin America -- 7. Conclusion -- 8. Bibliography -- The Euro Area Crisis : Selected Problems of Institutional Solutions. Implications for Poland / Jan Misiuna, Kamil Zajączkowski -- 1. EU's position towards the crisis of the euro area 1982. The European Stability Mechanism -- 3. Single Supervisory Mechanism -- 4. Single Resolution Mechanism -- 5. Implications of the Euro Area Crisis for Poland -- 6. Conclusions -- 7. Bibliography -- Spanish and Polish Economies : Two Faces of Great Recession in Europe / José Manuel Cansino, Manuel Ordóñez -- 1. Introduction -- 2. A comparative macroeconomic overview -- 3. Database -- 4. Methodology -- 5. Results -- 6. Conclusions -- 7. Acknowledgements -- 8. Bibliography.

Informacja z okładki: "In the present collection, individual authors address both the question of relations between Poland and Spain and issues related to the role of both countries in international relations, especially in European politics. This initiative is a valuable one, particularly since the literature on this subject, both Polish and international especially – pays little attention to these two countries (and in particular relations between them). This is all the more surprising as both are among the six largest countries of Europe. A further major strength of this publication is its pairing of several texts that though on similar subjects, view those subjects from different perspectives. This pairing approach is taken on the topics of security policy, economic crisis, Polish refugees in Spain and Spanish refugees in Poland and the foreign policies of both countries. The articles themselves are concise, factual, devoid of digression and edited in accordance with the principles of academic literature. This book should be an interesting read for  political scientists, scholars of European studies, international relations analysts, as well as students of Iberian studies."

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