Czwarte wydanie podręcznika Politics in the European Union jest już u nas dostępne, łącze do katalogu i spis treści poniżej:
Politics in the European Union (4th edition) / Ian Bache, Stephen George, Simon Bulmer & Owen Parker. New York, NY : Oxford University Press, 2015, ISBN 9780199689668 [tutaj]
Theory -- 1. Theories of European Integration -- 2. Theories of EU Governance -- 3. Theorizing Consequences -- 4. Critical Perspectives -- History -- 5. From the End of the War to the Schuman Plan (the late 1940s to the early 1950s) -- 6. The 'Other' European Communities and the Origins of the EEC (the early 1950s to the 1960s) -- 7. The First Years of the European Economic Community (the 1960s and into the 1970s) -- 8. The Revival of European Integration (the mid-1970s to the late 1980s) -- 9. Maastricht and Amsterdam (the late 1980s to the late 1990s) -- 10. From Amsterdam to Lisbon (2000-2009) -- 11. The EU in Crisis (2009-) -- Institutions -- 12. The Institutional Architecture -- 13. The European Commission -- 14. The European Council and the Council of Ministers -- 15. The European Parliament -- 16. The European Court of Justice -- 17. Organized Interests -- Policies -- 18. Policies and Policy Making in the European Union -- 19. Agriculture -- 20. The Single Market -- 21. Economic and Monetary Union -- 22. Cohesion Policy -- 23. Environmental Policy -- 24. Freedom, Security, and Justice -- 25. Trade and Development Aid -- 26. Common Foreign and Security Policy -- 27. Enlargement.
Book Jacket: "Takes a detailed look at the theory, history, institutions and policies of the European Union to give students a complete and accessible introduction to EU politics -- Explores theory thoroughly from the outset, and goes on to demonstrate how theory can be applied to the every day politics of the EU throughout the text -- Includes a range of helpful learning features including insight boxes and a chronology, and an extensive website including maps and multiple choice questions, ideal for students coming to the study of the European Union for the first time. An expert author team presents a clearly written text, created to give students a firm grounding in the subject and confidence in what is often a complex and technical area. New to this edition: Updated coverage of the Eurozone crisis and the impacts of the Lisbon Treaty provides students with the most up to date perspective on the European Union -- A consolidated and updated history section gives students all of the context they need for their studies -- New author Owen Parker adds to the range of expertise on the author team, bringing new dimensions to the critical perspective -- The European Union is a unique, complex, and ever-changing political entity which continues to shape both international politics and the politics of its individual member states. Politics in the European Union provides a clear analysis of the theory and history, and policies and institutions of the EU, giving students a well-rounded introduction to the subject, and the confidence to understand it. Complete and detailed in its coverage, with a consolidated and updated history section, this text weaves together material on key contemporary concerns including the Eurozone crisis and the implementation of the Lisbon Treaty with a thorough consideration of the workings and remit of the European Union. Clear learning features and accessible explanations help students to engage with an often complex and technical subject. Readership: Undergraduates studying European Union politics. Also a useful primer for postgraduate study of the European Union."
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