Do naszych zbiorów włączyliśmy ostatnio dwudziesty tom rocznika OSCE Yearbook (do naszego katalogu tędy), poprzedni tom opisany jest tutaj, a szczegółowe informacje można znaleźć na stronie wydawcy (tutaj). Szczegółowy spis treści poniżej, zapraszam do lektury.
Contents: Preface / Ursel Schlichting -- Guiding Spirit and Man of the First Hour. In Memoriam : Jonathan Dean / Reinhard Mutz, Götz Neuneck -- I. States of Affairs : Affairs of State -- The OSCE and European Security : Focus on Helsinki +40 against the Background of the Ukraine Crisis -- The 2014 Swiss OSCE Chairmanship : Between "Routine" and "Crisis" / Heidi Grau -- Forty Years of the Helsinki Final Act – A Cause for Celebration? / Marianne von Grünigen, Hans-Jörg Renk -- Europe Needs the OSCE, Just As It Did 40 Years Ago / Igor Ivanov -- Approaching Four Decades – What the Serbian Chairmanship Wishes to Achieve in the OSCE's Jubilee Year / Ivica Dačić -- Helsinki +40 and the Crisis in Ukraine / Fred Tanner -- OSCE Field Operations in the Helsinki +40 Process : A Case Study on the Presence in Tajikistan / Jafar Usmanov -- The OSCE and Chapter VIII of the United Nations Charter – Contributing to Global Peace and Security / Lamberto Zannier -- US-Russia Relations in the Obama Era : From Reset to Refreeze? / Steven Pifer -- The OSCE Participating States : Domestic Developments and Multilateral Commitment -- Staging Legitimacy : Mechanisms for Power Retention in Turkmenistan / Hendrik Meurs -- Broken Dreaming : The 2014 Scottish Independence Referendum / Graeme Currie -- Mongolia and the OSCE / Adiyasuren Jamiyandagva -- II. Responsibilities, Instruments, Mechanisms, and Procedures -- Conflict Prevention and Dispute Settlement -- Minsk Group Mediation of the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict : Confronting an "Intractable Conflict" / P. Terrence Hopmann -- Focus on the Ukraine Crisis -- The Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine : Operational Challenges and New Horizons / Claus Neukirch -- Russia and Ukraine : Victory Is not Possible; Defeat Is not an Option / Graeme P. Herd -- What Makes Russia Tick? / Tatyana Parkhalina -- Ukrainian Civil Society from the Orange Revolution to Euromaidan : Striving for a New Social Contract / Iryna Solonenko -- Lessons to Learn : The Effect of the Ukraine Crisis on European and Euro-Atlantic Security / Pál Dunay -- Comprehensive Security : The Three Dimensions and Cross-Dimensional Challenges -- Election Observation as a Point of Contention between the Russian Federation and ODIHR / Francesco Marchesano -- Military Confidence-Building and Conventional Arms Control in Europe against the Background of the Ukraine Crisis / Rüdiger Lüdeking -- III. Organizational Aspects -- OSCE Institutions and Structures -- The OSCE Academy : Working for Long-Term Comprehensive Security in Central Asia / Shairbek Juraev -- External Relations and Influence -- The Afghanistan Conflict As a Power Resource for Central Asia? / Sebastian Schiek -- The OSCE Mediterranean Partnership Four Years after the Start of the "Arab Spring" / Loïc Simonet -- Assessing the Success of EU-OSCE Co-operation : A Case of Mutualism? / Dimitar Paunov.