Dzięki uprzejmości Autora, który w roku 2011 był stypendystą Katedry Cywilizacji Europejskiej w Natolinie i o czym wzmiankuje w przemowie, nasze zbiory wzbogaciły się o książkę poświęconą społeczności i ruchom studenckim w okresie 1944-1989, a mianowicie Student politics in Communist Poland : generations of consent and dissent / Tom Junes. Lanham : Lexington Books, 2015, ISBN 9780739180303 [41152]. Dziękując raz jeszcze Panu Tomowi Junes za ten miły gest i dedykację, zachęcam do zapoznania się ze szczegółowym spisem treści monografii.
Contents: Introduction : Poland, students and communism -- Part I. From sovietization to destalinization : 1944-1957 -- The lost generation -- The great leap forward -- The generation of 56 -- Part II. From acquiescence to contestation : 1957-1968 -- Our small stabilization -- No pasaran! -- The generation of 68 -- Part III. From repression to resurgence : 1968-1980 -- The post-March hangover -- Socialist complacency -- We don't need no thought control -- Part IV. From solidarity to betrayal : 1980-1989 -- The generation of 81 -- For our freedom and yours -- The generation of 89 -- Epilogue : The end of the classical student movement.
Book Jacket: "The book presents a chronological narrative of student political activity in Communist Poland and discusses it both from the point of view of those who supported and those who opposed the regime while elaborating on generational change within the country's student milieu. It sheds light on lesser-known aspects of the history of Communist Poland and shows that students played an important political role and that many known members of the country's elite emerged from the ranks of student activists."