Do naszych zbiorów trafiła już piąta edycja popularnego podręcznika dla przyszłych europejskich prawników (i nie tylko), a mianowicie Foster on EU Law (5th edition) / Nigel Foster. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015, ISBN 9780198727590 [tutaj]. Spis treści i informacje z okładki poniżej, a więcej informacji o książce na stronach wydawcy (OUP).
Contents: I. Introduction to the institutional and procedural law of the European Union -- 1. The History and Constitutional Basis of the European Union -- 2. The Union institutions -- 3. The empowerment of the Union : transfer, division, and control of powers -- 4. EU Law : sources, forms, and law-making -- 5. The supremacy of EU law -- 6. Ensuring EU laws are effective : remedies and Article 267 TFEU -- 7. The direct jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice -- II. Introduction to the substantive law of the European Union -- 8. The free movement of goods -- 9. The free movement of persons -- 10. An introduction to EU competition law and policy -- 11. Sex discrimination law.
Book Jacket: "Nigel Foster provides a concise and clear explanation of EU law, offering an accessible entry point to the subject. Foster on EU Law offers an incisive account of the institutions and procedures of the EU alongside focused analysis of key substantive areas such as free movement of goods and services. This clear two-part structure provides students with a solid foundation in the mechanisms and applications of EU law, making it an ideal text for those new to the subject or looking for a concise guide to support further study in the area. This fully updated fifth edition includes extended discussion of key cases, along with new coverage of state aid and expanded coverage of some key areas, including the political context of the EU and EU decision-making."
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