Szesnasty tom Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies (CYELS) ukazującego się nakładem wydawnictwa Hart Publishing został dołączony do naszego zasobu. Tym razem obwoluta jest w zielonym kolorze, spis treści poniżej, a z zawartością wcześniejszych roczników można zapoznać się tutaj.
Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies vol. 16 (2013-2014) : Table of contents: 1. The 2014 Mackenzie Stuart Lecture: The United Kingdom and the European Union: Inevitably Drifting Apart? / Viviane Reding -- 2. The Public Procurement Rules in Action: An Empirical Exploration of Social Impact and Ideology / Amy Ludlow -- 3. The Legal Framework for New Economic Governance and its Implications for Wage Policy Learning / Samuel Dahan -- 4. Clinical Trials Abroad: The Marketable Ethics, Weak Protections and Vulnerable Subjects of EU Law / Mark L. Flear -- 5. The EU and Environmental Multilateralism: The Case of Access and Benefit-Sharing and the Need for a Good-Faith Test / Elisa Morgera -- 6. The Role of Private Enforcement within EU Competition Law / Niamh Dunne -- 7. Tax Law and the Internal Market: A Critique of the Principle of Mutual Recognition / Julian Ghosh -- 8. Consumer Protection in EU Residential Mortgage Markets: Common EU Rules on Mortgage Credit in the Mortgage Credit Directive / Tatjana Josipovic -- 9. The Impact of the European Union Current Crisis on Law, Policy and Society / Anca D. Chirita -- 10. How has the EU Protected Depositors in the Financial Crisis? / Niall J Lenihan -- 11. The Protection of the Right to Work through the European Convention on Human Rights / Virginia Mantouvalou -- 12. Symposium: Balancing In European Law: Anatomy of Judicial Practices / Leone Niglia -- A. The Judicial Protection of Individual Rights and the Principle of Proportionality after the Lisbon Treaty / Paolo Mengozzi -- B. Balancing Fundamental Rights in EU Law / Allan Rosas -- C. Fundamental Rights, General Principles of EU Law, and the Charter / Takis Tridimas -- D. Taking Private Law Rights Seriously: of Balancing and the Jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European Union / Leone Niglia.
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