Wszystko, czego chcielibyście dowiedzieć się o pomocy publicznej i regulacjach prawnych z nią związanych można znaleźć tutaj:
European State Aid Law and Policy (third edition) / Conor Quigley QC. Oxford ; Portland : Hart Publishing ; Bloomsbury, 2015, ISBN 9781849466271 [41871]
Trzecie, uaktualnione wydanie tej obszernej (prawie 900 stron) publikacji jest już dostępne w naszych zbiorach. Więcej informacji o książce na stronach wydawnictwa, dostępny jest także niezmiernie szczegółowy spis treści (tutaj). Poniżej spis treści w wersji skróconej i informacja od wydawcy.
Contents: I. State Aid and Article 107 TFEU -- 1. The Notion of State Aid in EU Law -- 2. State Aid within Article 107(1) TFEU -- 3. Taxation and State Aid -- 4. Market Transactions and State Aid -- 5. Compatibility of State Aid with the Internal Market -- 6. Services of General Economic Interest -- II. European State Aid Policy -- 7. Structure of EU State Aid Policy -- 8. Regional Aid -- 9. State Aid for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises -- 10. Training and Employment Aid -- 11. State Aid for Research and Development and Innovation -- 12. State Aid for Environmental Protection -- 13. Rescue and Restructuring Aid -- 14. Sectoral Aid -- 15. State Aid and the Financial Crisis -- III. Supervision and Enforcement -- 16. Assessment of State Aid by the European Commission -- 17. Recovery of Unlawful Aid -- 18. Enforcement in National Court Proceedings -- IV. Judicial Review of EU State Aid Decisions -- 19. Judicial Review of EU Decisions : Admissibility -- 20. Judicial Review of EU Decisions : Substance.
Book Jacket: "This third edition of Conor Quigley's highly acclaimed book offers the most comprehensive and detailed examination of European State Aid law. The book is designed to provide lawyers, regulators, public officials and students with a definitive statement of the law and practice of State Aid. At the same time as placing State Aid law and policy in its economic, commercial and industrial context, the book fully explores the concept of State Aid and its function as a tool of EU law. All of this is achieved by means of the most thorough examination of the extensive jurisprudence of the European Courts and the decisions, legislation and guidelines of the Commission in declaring aid compatible or incompatible with the internal market. The analysis incorporates all the developments wrought by the European Commission's 2013 State Aid Modernisation programme, including detailed chapters on Research & Development, environment and energy, restructuring aid, risk capital for SMEs, as well as sectoral aid including, in particular, a detailed assessment of State Aid and the financial crisis. The Commission's supervisory powers as well as the means of enforcing State Aid law in the EU and national courts are also fully explained."
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