EU immigration and asylum law : nowe wydanie

Nakładem wydawnictwa Brill ukazało się drugie wydanie trzytomowego opracowania pt. EU immigration and asylum law : text and commentary. Kilka dni temu do naszych zbiorów dotarł trzeci tom wydany w tej serii, poniżej szczegółowa prezentacja zawartości poszczególnych tomów z łączami do naszego katalogu.

EU immigration and asylum law : text and commentary. Vol. 1: Visas and border control (2nd rev. ed.) / edited by Steve Peers, Elspeth Guild, and Jonathan Tom. Leiden ; Boston : Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2012. Series: Immigration and asylum law and policy in Europe vol. 27, ISBN 9789004222229 (hbk. vol. 1) 9789004222373 (ebk.) [36820]

EU immigration and asylum law : text and commentary. Vol. 2: EU immigration law (2nd rev. ed.) / edited by Steve Peers ... [et al.]. Leiden ; Boston : Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2012. Series: Immigration and asylum law and policy in Europe vol. 28, ISBN 9789004222236 (hbk vol. 2) 9789004222380 (e-book) [36821

EU immigration and asylum law : text and commentary. Vol. 3: EU asylum law (2nd rev. ed.) / edited by Steve Peers ... [et al.]. Leiden ; Boston : Brill Nijhoff, 2015. Series: Immigration and asylum law and policy in Europe vol. 29, ISBN 9789004222243 (hbk vol. 3) 9789004222397 (ebook) [42035]

Więcej informacji na stronach wydawcy (tom 1, tom 2, tom 3), spisy treści poniżej.

EU immigration and asylum law : text and commentary. Vol. 1, Visas and border control (2nd rev. ed.) Contents: 1. Introduction -- 2. Institutional Framework -- 3. The Schengen Borders Code -- 4. The Schengen Information System -- 5. Frontex -- 6. Other border control measures -- 7. EU Visa lists -- 8. The Visa Code -- 9. Visa facilitation treaties -- 10. Visa Information System -- 11. Other visa measures.

EU immigration and asylum law : text and commentary. Vol. 2: EU immigration law (2nd rev. ed.) Contents: 1. Introduction -- 2. Institutional Framework -- 3.The Blue Card Directive -- 4. Intra-corporate transferees -- 5. Admission of Researchers -- 6. Seasonal Workers -- 7. Admission of Students and Others -- 8. Single Permits and Workers' Rights -- 9. Family Reunion -- 10. Long-Term Residence -- 11. Social Security Coordination -- 12. Carrier Sanctions -- 13. Facilitation of Irregular Migration -- 14. Trafficking in Persons -- 15. Sanctions for Employers of Irregular Migrants -- 16. Status of Victims of Trafficking Migrants -- 17. The Returns Directive -- 18. Mutual Recognition of Expulsion Decisions -- 19. Transit for Expulsion -- 20. Readmission Agreements.

EU immigration and asylum law : text and commentary. Vol. 3: EU asylum law (2nd rev. ed.) Contents: 1. Overview -- 2. Institutional Framework -- 3. The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and Immigration and Asylum Law -- 4. Qualification : Refugee Status and Subsidiary Protection -- 5. Asylum Procedures -- 6. The Dublin III Regulation -- 7. Eurodac -- 8. Reception Conditions -- 9. Temporary Protection -- 10. External Dimension.

Book Jacket: "Since 1999, the EU has adopted legislation harmonizing many areas of immigration law, in particular rules on borders, visas, legal migration, and irregular migration. The much-enlarged and fully updated second edition of this book contains the text of and detailed commentary upon every significant measure in this field proposed or adopted up until 1 September 2011. It includes commentary on the EU visa code, the Schengen Borders Code, the Frontex Regulation, the Returns Directive, the Directives on family reunion, long-term residents and single permits for migrant workers, and many more besides. This is the essential guide for any lawyers, academics, civil servants, NGOs and students interested in this area of law. The authors of each commentary are academic and practitioner experts in the field of EU immigration law based in the UK, Ireland and the Netherlands."--PUBLISHER'S NOTE.
