Zarejestrowane nowe nabytki kwietniowe: 77 książek (w tym 30 polskich) oraz 23 dokumenty elektroniczne. Pełne zestawienie tutaj, a poniżej wybrana dziesiątka, zapraszam.
- Nowe wyzwania integracji europejskiej / redakcja naukowa Helena Tendera-Właszczuk, Wojciech Bąba, Magdalena Zajączkowska. Warszawa : Difin, 2016. ISBN 9788380850729 [42236]
- New electricity and new cars : the future of the European energy doctrine / Leszek Jesień, Michał Kurtyka. Warsaw : CeDeWu, 2016. ISBN 9788375568158 [42235]
- Postcolonial transitions in Europe : contexts, practices and politics / edited by Sandra Ponzanesi and Gianmaria Colpani. London : Rowman & Littlefield International, 2016. Series: Frontiers of the political. ISBN 9781783484461 (paperback : alkaline paper) 9781783484454 (cloth : alkaline paper) 9781783484478 (electronic) [42252]
- Why Europe matters for Britain : the case for remaining in (Referendum edition) / John McCormick. London ; New York, NY : Palgrave, 2016. ISBN 9781137576828 (pbk.) 9781137576835 (hardback) [42297]
- Reflections on European Integration : 50 Years of the Treaty of Rome / edited by David Phinnemore, Alex Warleigh-Lack. Basingstoke ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. Series: Palgrave studies in European Union politics. ISBN 9781137574848 (paperback) 9780230202535 (hardback) [42296]
- Heart of Europe : A History of the Holy Roman Empire / Peter H. Wilson. Cambridge, Massachusetts : Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2016. ISBN 9780674058095 [42304]
- Beyond Crimea : The New Russian Empire / Agnia Grigas. New Haven ; London : Yale University Press, 2016. ISBN 9780300214505 [42302]
- Black Wind, White Snow : The Rise of Russia's New Nationalism / Charles Clover. New Haven ; London : Yale University Press, 2016. ISBN 9780300120707 [42303]
- Ukraine between the EU and Russia : the integration challenge / Rilka Dragneva-Lewers, Kataryna Wolczuk. Basingstoke ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. Series: Palgrave pivot. ISBN 9781137516251 (hardback) 9781137516268 (PDF) 978137516275 (EPUB) [42327]
- Europejskie systemy polityczne / Jacek Knopek. Warszawa : Difin, 2016. ISBN 9788380851344 [42290]
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