Britain alone!

"Britain alone! : the implications and consequences of United Kingdom exit from the EU" to już 96 tom w serii European monographs wydawnictwa Kluwer Law International. Wszystkie książki wydane w tej serii skrzętnie gromadzimy, a i najnowszy tom jest już dostępny w Bibliotece Kolegium Europejskiego w Natolinie. 

Britain alone! : the implications and consequences of United Kingdom exit from the EU / edited by Patrick J. Birkinshaw, Andrea Biondi. Alphen aan den Rijn : Kluwer Law International B.V., 2016. European monographs ; volume 96. ISBN 9789041158321 9041158324 [42640]

Szczegółowy spis treści i informacje o książce poniżej.

Introduction / Patrick J. Birkinshaw, Andrea Biondi -- Britain alone constitutionally : Brexit and restitutio in integrum / Patrick J. Birkinshaw, Mike Varney -- A tale of two referendums : Scotland, the UK and Europe / Stephen Tierney, Katie Boyle -- "Britain alone" : a view from Northern Ireland / Gordon Anthony -- "Brexit" and Welsh devolution : the likely impact / Mike Varney -- Responsibility, voice and exit : Britain alone? / Paul Craig -- Which options would be available for the United Kingdom in the case of a withdrawal from the EU? / Jean-Claude Piris -- The UK and the world : environmental law / Ioanna Hadjiyianni -- The EU's external relations : a question of competence / Daniel Denman -- Judicial protection and the UK's opt-outs : is Britain alone in the CJEU? / Maria Kendrick -- Criminal law / John R. Spencer -- From EU citizens to third-country nations : the legacy of Polydor / Marja-Liisa Öberg -- Britain alone! : the implications and consequences of United Kingdom exit from the European Union : social politics / Aileen McColgan -- The death of social Europe / Keith D. Ewing -- The United Kingdom without the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union : putting down the dog that did not bark? / Kieron Beale QC -- State aid control, government spending, and the virtue of loyalty / Andrea Biondi -- Differentiated integration and the single supervisory mechanism : which way forward to the European Banking Auhtority? / Pierre Schammo.

Book Jacket: "The United Kingdom has been a member of the European Union for forty three years. Although EU membership has brought numerous indisputable benefits, anti-EU sentiment, simmering for decades, has now reached the point where an upcoming referendum could quite possibly lead to exit from the Union – an enormously topical issue dubbed ‘Brexit’. This very timely book addresses the major concerns and uncertainties associated with this looming prospect. Outstanding scholars of British constitutional law and EU law discuss such factors as the impact of EU membership on the UK constitution and the perspectives of the UK’s constituent regions, along with numerous practical issues of economics and administration. Specific topics covered include: -- the EU and the sovereignty debate; -- the impact of Brexit in the devolved United Kingdom; -- options available to the UK; -- residence rights post-Brexit; -- debates over the structure of the referendum; -- existing and potential role of jurisprudence (domestic and EU); -- environmental law; -- negotiating treaties; -- judicial protection; -- Opt-outs; -- EU criminal law; -- labour rights; -- equal protection; -- human rights under the Charter of Fundamental Rights; and -- financial and economic governance. -- With Brexit becoming the largest single issue to affect the United Kingdom’s place in the world, this volume is certain to be widely read and referenced in the time before, during, and after the referendum. It will also remain of great value as social, political, and economic events unfold in the post-referendum United Kingdom."--PUBLISHER'S NOTE.

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