Nowe nabytki marzec 2017

W marcu zarejestrowaliśmy 86 książek, w tym 6 polskich oraz 22 dokumenty elektroniczne, szczegółowe zestawienie na stronie New Acquisitions (tędy proszę).

  • Europe's last chance : why the European states must form a more perfect union / Guy Verhofstadt. New York : Basic Books, 2017. ISBN 9780465096855 (hardback) 9780465096862 (ebook) [43132]
  • Brexit : Sociological Responses / edited by William Outhwaite. London ; New York : Anathem Press, 2017. Series: Key Issues in Modern Sociology. ISBN 9781783086450 (pbk) 9781783086443 (hbk) [43147]
  • Putin's War Against Ukraine : Revolution, Nationalism, and Crime / Taras Kuzio. Toronto : University of Toronto Press ; 2017. ISBN 9781543285864 [43150]
  • The European Union : On the Verge of Global Political Leadership / Munir Hussain. Singapore : Palgrave Macmillan, 2017. Series: Palgrave pivot. ISBN 9789811028830 9789811028847 (eBook) [43156]
  • Transitional justice in Post-Euromaidan Ukraine : swimming upstream / Igor Lyubashenko. Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang, 2017. Series: Studies in political transition, vol. 7. ISBN 9783631671498 (print) [43157]
  • Procedury bezpieczeństwa w Unii Europejskiej / Waldemar Zubrzycki, Aleksander Babiński. Warszawa : Difin, cop. 2017. ISBN 9788380853911 [43161]
  • La politique agricole commune ( PAC) au coeur de la construction européenne / Yves Petit. Paris : La Documentation française, 2017. Series: Réflexe Europe. ISBN 9782111451704 [43129]
  • The European Union's Broader Neighbourhood : Challenges and opportunities for cooperation beyond the European Neighbourhood Policy / edited by Sieglinde Gstöhl, Erwan Lannon. Abingdon ; New York : Routledge, 2017. Series: Routledge series on global order studies. ISBN 9781138716803 (paperback) 9781138776715 (hardback) [43118]
  • On Tyranny : Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century / Timothy Snyder. London : Bodley Head, 2017. ISBN 9781847924889 [43158]
  • The contemporary crisis of the European Union : prospects for the future / Ivan T. Berend. Abingdon ; New York : Routledge, 2017. Series: Routledge studies in the European economy. ISBN 9781138244191 (hardback) 9781315277066 (ebook) [43117]

Miłej lektury!
