Nowe nabytki kwiecień 2017

Kwietniowe nowości: 53 książki, w tym 7 polskich. Ponadto kilkanaście książek elektronicznych, zapraszam do przejrzenia całego zestawienia (tutaj), a poniżej subiektywny wybór dziesięciu tytułów.

  • The History of the European Monetary Union : Comparing Strategies amidst Prospects for Integration and National Resistance / ed. by Daniela Preda. Bruxelles ; New York : Peter Lang, 2016. Series: Euroclio. Etudes et documents. ISBN 9782807600980 (print) 9782807600997 (ePDF) 9782807601000 (ePub) [43182]
  • W cieniu Europy : dwie zimne wojny i trzydziestoletnia podróż przez Rumunię, a nawet dalej / Robert D. Kaplan ; przełożył Robert Pucek. Wołowiec : Wydawnictwo Czarne, 2017. Series: Sulina. ISBN 9788380494466 [43170]
  • The New Politics of the European Union Budget / ed. by Stefan Becker, Michael W. Bauer und Alfredo De Feo. Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2017. Series: Studies on the European Union. ISBN 9783848735006 (print) 9783845278032 (ePDF) [43213]
  • Les compétences de l'Union européenne (3e édition) / Thierry Ronse. Bruxelles : Université de Bruxelles ; Institut d'études européennes, 2017. Series: Commentaire J. Mégret Ordre juridique de l’Union et contentieux européen. ISBN 9782800416120 [43198]
  • The civic citizens of Europe : the legal potential for immigrant integration in the EU, Belgium, and the United Kingdom / Moritz Jesse. Leiden ; Boston : Brill Nijhoff, 2017. Series: Nijhoff studies in EU law, vol. 11. ISBN 9789004252264 (hardback : alk. paper) 978900425226 (e-book) [43179]
  • The European Commission and the Transformation of EU Borders / Valentina Kostadinova. London : Palgrave Macmillan, 2017. Series: Palgrave studies in European Union politics. ISBN 9781137504890 (hbk), 9781137504906 (ebook) [43173]
  • Lobbying in the European Parliament : The Battle for Influence / Maja Kluger Dionigi. London : Palgrave Macmillan, 2017. Series: Palgrave studies in European Union politics. ISBN 9783319426877 (hbk), 9783319426884 (ebook) [43171]
  • Near Abroad : Putin, the West, and the contest over Ukraine and the Caucasus / Gerard Toal. Oxford : Oxford University Press 2017. ISBN 9780190253301 [43191]
  • Governing Europe : How to Make the EU More Efficient and Democratic / edited by Lorenzo Vai, Pier Domenico Tortola and Nicoletta Pirozzi. Bruxelles : Peter Lang, 2017. Series: Federalism. ISBN 9782807600584, 9782807600591 (ePDF) 9782807600607 (ePUB) 9782807600614 (Mobi) [43177]
  • Brexit and its consequences for UK and EU citizenship, or monstrous citizenship / Elspeth Guild. Leiden ; Boston : Brill Nijhoff, [2017]. Series: Nijhoff law specials. ISBN 9789004340886 (pbk. : alk. paper) 9789004340893 (e-book) [43174]

Miłej lektury!
