Do naszego zasobu drukowanego dołączył właśnie 22-gi tom angielskojęzycznej edycji OSCE Yearbook (OSCE Yearbook 2016. Yearbook on the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) / Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg / IFSH (Hrsg.), 2017, Nomos, ISBN print 9783848740000, ISBN online 9783845282855).
Pod koniec roku 2014 i przy okazji wcześniejszego wpisu zastanawiałem się, czy rocznik ten jest prenumerowany przez inne polskie biblioteki, w wersji drukowanej lub elektronicznej, ale rezultaty poszukiwań były raczej szczątkowe. Dzisiaj już chyba wiem dlaczego: cała seria (z rocznym embargiem, jak mniemam) jest dostępna na stronach Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy na Uniwersytecie w Hamburgu (na nieodpłatną lekturę bardzo proszę tędy). Oczywiście zawartość rocznika jest także dostępna w wersji elektronicznej na platformie eLibrary wydawnictwa Nomos, ale dostęp do pełnych treści jest możliwy jedynie po wykupieniu płatnej subskrypcji.
Spis treści najnowszego tomu poniżej, a wcześniejsze wpisy o OSCE Yearbook tutaj.
OSCE Yearbook 2016. Yearbook on the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) / Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg / IFSH (Hrsg.), 2017, Nomos, ISBN print 9783848740000, ISBN online 9783845282855
Content: Foreword by the Chairperson-in-Office / Frank-Walter Steinmeier -- Preface / Ursel Schlichting -- I. States of Affairs – Affairs of State -- The OSCE and European Security -- The OSCE’s Engagement in Response to the Crisis in Ukraine: Meeting New Challenges with New Solutions / Marcel Pesko -- Old and New Challenges for the OSCE / Wolfgang Zellner -- From Lisbon to Hamburg – Supporting a New Start in Conventional Arms Control in Europe. Arms Control and Confidence- and Security-Building Measures under Germany’s OSCE Chairmanship in 2016 / Patricia Flor -- Reviving Conventional Arms Control in Europe. A Contribution to Military Stability in Times of Crisis / Wolfgang Richter -- The OSCE’s Role in Conflict Management: What Happened to Co-operative Security? / P. Terrence Hopmann -- The OSCE Participating States: Domestic Developments and Multilateral Commitment -- Co-operative Security in 21st Century Europe: A Diplomatic Caucus Race? / Sian MacLeod -- Brexit: The Mainstreaming of Right-Wing Populist Discourse / Reem Ahmed -- II. Responsibilities, Instruments, Mechanisms, and Procedures -- Conflict Prevention and Dispute Settlement -- The Four-Day War Has Diminished the Chances of Peace in Nagorno-Karabakh / Hans-Joachim Schmidt -- Supporting Reform, Dialogue, and Crisis Response in Ukraine / Vaidotas Verba -- Between Strategic Re-orientation and Operational Fixes: Current Challenges and Opportunities in Strengthening Early Warning and Early Action as Part of OSCE Crisis and Conflict Prevention / Nico Schernbeck -- OSCE Peacekeeping – Conceptual Framework and Practical Experience / Larissa Daria Meier -- Creating Political Oxygen to Break the Cycle of Violence 1981-1994: Lessons from the Northern Ireland Peace Process / Geoffrey Corry, Pat Hynes, Kieran Doyle -- Comprehensive Security: The Three Dimensions and Cross-Dimensional Challenges -- Focus: Migration and Refugees in the OSCE Area -- From Exclusion to Participation: Refugee Protection and Migration Policy in Crisis / Svenja Gertheiss, Sabine Mannitz -- Managing Migration – The OSCE’s Response / David Buerstedde -- How Can the OSCE Contribute to Managing the Current Migrant and Refugee Challenge? / Stephanie Liechtenstein -- The OSCE and the Refugee Crisis / Jean P. Froehly -- The Response of OSCE Field Operations in South-Eastern Europe to the Migration and Refugee Crisis / Florent Marciacq, Tobias Flessenkemper, Ivana Bostjancic Pulko -- Migration Crisis in the OSCE Area: Action Lines from the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly / Maria Chepurina -- Outside the Focus -- The Second Basket: Evolution of the Economic and Environmental Dimension of the OSCE / Kurt P. Tudyka -- III. Organizational Aspects -- OSCE Institutions and Structures -- The OSCE and Its Legal Status: Revisiting the Myth of Sisyphus / Loic Simonet, Hans Georg Luber -- External Relations and Influence -- What Is Central Asia for China? A Chinese Perspective / Anastasiya Bayok -- Annexes -- Forms and Forums of Co-operation in the OSCE Area -- The 57 OSCE Participating States – Facts and Figures -- OSCE Conferences, Meetings, and Events 2015/2016 -- OSCE Selected Bibliography 2015/2016 -- Abbreviations -- Contributors.