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"Nieznane kierunki" to podtytuł książki, która ostatnio trafiła do naszego księgozbioru. Dokładniej rzecz ujmując chodzi o

The United Kingdom's journeys into and out of the European Union : destinations unknown / Julie Smith. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2017. Series: Routledge Focus, Europa EU Perspectives : reform, renegotiation, reshaping, ISBN 9781857439083 (hbk) 9781315188171 (ebk) [43280]

Spis treści i informacje z okładki poniżej, warto też przejrzeć relację z wykładu Autorki, który odbył się w Radzie UE: do bloga Biblioteki RUE tędy.

The United Kingdom's journeys into and out of the European Union : destinations unknown / Julie Smith. 

Contents: Introduction -- The origins of European integration : emerging lines of (dis-)engagement -- Winning and losing : money, power and the politics of treaty reform -- Leaving the people behind -- Cameron : seeking to reconcile conservatives and coalition -- Cameron's three Rs : reform, renegotiation, referendum -- Where do we go from here?

Book Jacket: "This Routledge Focus aims to investigate and analyse the United Kingdom’s relationship with the European Communities (EC) and the European Union (EU). Since joining the EC in 1973, the UK has had a fraught relationship with the organization, declining closer economic union in the eurozone and, often, arguing against closer political union. While some 67% of the UK’s voters opted to remain in the EC in a referendum held in 1975, by June 2016 a narrow majority favoured leaving the EU. This volume evaluates the UK’s journey into the Union, and examines how the country’s voters came to decide on Brexit, and where the UK’s departure from the EU may lead it."-- PUBLISHER'S NOTE.

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