Do naszego zbioru trafiła czwarta edycja książki "Interest Representation in the European Union" wydana w renomowanej European Union series wydawnictwa Palgrave Macmillan:
Interest Representation in the European Union (4th edition) / Justin Greenwood. London : Palgrave, 2017, European Union series, ISBN 9781137491312 (pbk) 9781137491329 (hbk) [43354]
Spis treści i informacje z okładki poniżej:
Table of contents: 1. Introduction -- 2. EU Decision-Making and Channels of Influence -- 3.The Regulation of Lobbying and the European Transparency Register -- 4. Business Interests and the Professions -- 5. Labour Interests -- 6. Citizen Interests -- 7. Territorial Interests -- 8. Organized Civil Society and European Integration.
PUBLISHER'S NOTE: "The fully revised 4th edition of this highly-acclaimed book provides an authoritative and comprehensive assessment of the role of organized interests in the everyday policy-making of the EU, and of the significance of interest representation for European integration and for the democratic legitimacy of the EU".
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