Interesująco (zwłaszcza dla osób, które swą karierę wiążą z szeroko rozumianym dziennikarstwem, działalnością informacyjną czy po prostu chciałby wiedzieć coś więcej o polityce informacyjnej UE i dostępnych źródłach informacji wspólnotowej) przedstawia się książka, która pojawiła się ostatnio w naszych zbiorach, a mianowicie
A reporter's guide to the EU / Sigrid Melchior ; edited by Stephen Gardne. London ; New York : Routledge, 2017, ISBN 9781138678637 (pbk. : alk. paper), 9781138678620 (hardback : alk. paper), 9781315558820 (ebook) [43420]
W książce opisano działalność instytucji, proces podejmowania decyzji, a także wyjaśniono jak pracować z informacjami gromadzonymi i utrzymywanymi przez instytucje UE oraz prezentuje ich archiwa audiowizualne, Eurostat i Eurobarometr, które są nieocenionym źródłem informacji dla dziennikarzy i studentów dziennikarstwa. Spis treści i informacje z obwoluty tradycyjnie poniżej.
Contents: Pt. I. Introduction -- Introduction to EU reporting -- A few tips and tricks to get started -- What, really, is the EU? -- Pt. II. The three main EU institutions -- The European Commission -- The European Parliament -- The Council of Ministers and the European Council -- Pt. III. Decision-making in the EU -- The legislative process part I : the European Commission proposes a new law -- The legislative process part II : the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers amend and adopt the law -- Tools for following the legislative process -- Delegated decision-making -- Pt. IV. Other EU sources -- Other EU institutions -- Statistics, opinion polls, sound, photo and video -- Lobbying -- Think tanks and research -- Media -- Pt. V. Practical EU reporting -- Bringing the EU home -- Common mistakes in EU reporting and how to avoid them -- Investigative EU reporting -- Practical help in Brussels -- Writing about the EU.
Book Jacket: "A Reporter’s Guide to the EU addresses a pressing need for an effective, in-depth guide to reporting on this major governing body, offering practical advice on writing and reporting on the EU and a clear, concise breakdown of its complex inner-workings. Sigrid Melchior, an experienced Brussels-based journalist, gives a detailed overview of the main EU institutions and explains the procedures for passing EU law. Interviews with professionals working for the EU, from areas including lobbying, public relations, diplomacy and journalism, are featured throughout the book. Building on this, the second half of the book provides useful journalistic tools and tips on how to approach EU reporting. It identifies common mistakes in reporting on the EU and how to avoid them, as well as offering guidance on investigative reporting. Melchior also details how to work with information gathered and maintained by EU institutions, including their audiovisual archives, the Eurostat and Eurobarometer, which are invaluable resources for journalists and journalism students. With few aspects of political life that remain untouched by EU decision-making the book demystifies the EU system and its sources, enabling professional journalists and students of journalism to approach EU reporting with clarity and confidence."--BOOK JACKET.