Nowe nabytki sierpień 2017

Książek wszystkich 55, w tym polskich 6, dokumentów elektronicznych 48 - oto nabytki sierpniowe. Pełne zestawienie tutaj, wyborowa dziesiątka poniżej.

  • Upheaval : the refugee trek through Europe / Navid Kermani ; with photography by Moises Saman ; translated by Tony Crawford. Malden, MA : Polity, 2017, ISBN 9781509518685 (paperback) 9781509518678 (hardback) [43348]
  • The Strange Death of Europe : Immigration, Identity, Islam / Douglas Murray. Bloomsbury, 2017, ISBN 9781472942241 (hb), 9781472942227 (ePDF), 9781472942258 (ePUB) [43341]
  • The Russian challenge to the European security environment / edited by Roger Kanet. Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, ISBN 9783319507743, 9783319507750 (ebook) [43372]
  • The European Union and the Eurozone under stress : challenges and solutions for repairing fault lines in the European project / John Theodore, Jonathan Theodore, Dimitrios Syrrakos. Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, ISBN 9783319522913, 9783319522920 (b-book) [43367]
  • A minor apocalypse : Warsaw during the First World War / Robert Blobaum. Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2017, ISBN 9781501705236 (cloth : alk. paper), 9781501707889 (pdf), 9781501707872 (epub/mobi) [43337]
  • Flexibility in the EU and Beyond : How Much Differentiation Can European Integration Bear? / edited by Thomas Giegerich, Desirée C. Schmitt, Sebastian Zeitzmann. Baden-Baden : Nomos ; Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2017, Series: Schriften des Europa-Instituts der Universität des Saarlandes - Rechtswissenschaft, ISBN 9783848734368 (Nomos), 9783845277714 (ePDF Nomos), 9781509914784 (Hart) [43361]
  • Fortress Europe? : challenges and failures of migration and asylum policies / Annette Jünemann, Nicolas Fromm, Nikolas Scherer (eds.). Wiesbaden : Springer VS, 2017, ISBN 9783658170103 (pbk.), 9783658170110 (online) [43362]
  • Nierówności : Co da się zrobić? / Anthony B. Atkinson, tłum. Mikołaj Ratajczak, Maciej Szlinder. Warszawa : Wyd. Krytyki Politycznej, 2017, ISBN 9788365369956 [43398]
  • The politics of power : EU-Russia energy relations in the 21st century / Lars-Christian U. Talseth. Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, ISBN 9783319331256 (hardcover : alk. paper), 9783319331263 (e-book) [43371]
  • Legal Aspects of Brexit : Implications of the United Kingdom's Decision to Withdraw from the European Union / edited by Jennifer A. Hillman and Gary Horlick. Washington, DC : Institute of International Economic Law, 2017, ISBN 9780692866030 [43339]

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