Nasz kolekcja roczników wzbogaciła się dzisiaj o kolejny tom, a mianowicie European Yearbook on Human Rights 2016 / edited by Wolfgang Benedek, Florence Benoît-Rohmer, Matthias C. Kettemann, Reinhard Klaushofer and Manfred Nowak. 2016, Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag : Intersentia, 502 s., ISBN 9783708311098 (do katalogu tędy). Informacje z okładki: "2015 saw a world in turmoil. The crisis in Syria and the fate of thousands of refugees on Europe's borders and in Europe's streets made 2015 a year in which human rights mattered more than ever. Across 31 contributions by 44 authors in five sections, the European Yearbook on Human Rights 2016 explains and contextualizes key developments in human rights in the past year. Edited jointly by representatives of four major European human rights research, teaching and training institutions, the Yearbook 2016 provides much-needed analysis of the human rights challenges the world is faced with. It covers comprehensively the three main organizations charged with securing human rights in Europe (EU, Council of Europe and OSCE) and remains, in its 8th edition, essential reading for anyone interested in human rights in Europe and the world." Wcześniejsze wpisy dotyczące rocznika pad tagiem EYHR, na stronę wydawnictwa tędy, szczegółowy spis treści poniżej, zapraszam.
European Yearbook on Human Rights 2016, Table of Contents:
I .Topics of the Year -- A World in Turmoil / Volker Turk -- The Crisis of the European Refugee Policy / Manfred Nowak and Antonia Elisabeth Walter
II. European Union -- EU Human and Fundamental Rights Action in 2015 / Wolfgang Benedek and Pia Niederdorfer -- EU Migration Policy: The Ongoing Challenge – Views from the UN Human Rights Council in 2015 / Theodor Rathgeber -- The Europeanization of the Turkish Migration Framework: Problems and Implications for Syrians in Turkey / Aytek Cingitas -- Useful Stereotypes? A Human Rights and Queer Analysis of Sexuality and Credibility Assessment in European Asylum Law / Raphael Ruppacher -- Racial Discrimination: Key Convergences Between the European Convention of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and the European Union Law / Joana Abrisketa -- Implications of a Broad Application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights by Domestic Courts for the Level of Protection of Fundamental Rights / Skirgail Zaltauskaite-Zalimiene and Vygante Milasiute
FRAME section -- Preface: The European Union and Human Rights in Testing Times. Contributions from the FRAME Project on the Challenges of Vulnerability, Politics, Coherence and Impact Assessment / Nicolas Hachez and Jan Wouters -- The EU and Religious Minorities Under Pressure / Eva Maria Lassen -- Human Rights and Vulnerable Groups in the EU’s Policy on the Fight Against Poverty and Social Exclusion / Cristina de la Cruz-Ayuso -- Seeing the Individual in the Midst of Large-Scale Phenomena: Some Remarks on the European Approach to the Refugee Situation / Mikaela Heikkila and Maija Mustaniemi-Laakso -- The Integration of Human Rights Thematic Priorities and Vulnerable Groups in the Common Security and Defence Policy / Carmen Marquez Carrasco -- Not Good Enough Politically: A Political Science Analysis of the EU’s Human Rights Framework / Monika Mayrhofer -- Inconsistency and Criticism: Mapping Inconsistency Arguments Regarding Human Rights Promotion in EU External Relations / Zsolt Kortvelyesi -- Assessing EU Human Rights Impact Assessments / Nicolas Hachez and Brecht Lein -- FRAME Access Guide to Human Rights Information / Isabella Meier, Markus Mostl, Maddalena Vivona and Klaus Starl
III. Council of Europe -- The Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights in 2015: A Year of Transition / Brigitte Ohms and Elisabeth Handl-Petz -- Council of Europe Cooperation with the EU in the Human Rights Field / Andrew Drzemczewski and David Scott -- The Additional Protocol to the Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention of Terrorism on Foreign Fighters / Agnieszka Szklanna -- International Custom Making and the ECtHR’s European Consensus Method of Interpretation / Vassilis P. Tzevelekos and Kanstantsin Dzehtsiarou -- Hassan v. United Kingdom and the Interplay Between International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law in the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights / Tanja Fachathaler -- The Roles of NGOs in the Council of Europe Convention on Action Against Trafficking in Human Beings / Judith Tutzer
IV. OSCE -- Human Rights in OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Reports: 2015 in Review / Alexey Gromov and Vasil Vashchanka -- The Intersectional Nature of Islamophobia: A Study of Muslim Women’s Discrimination when Accessing Education and Work / Azra Junuzovic and Marouane Mohamed -- OSCE/ODIHR’s Added Value for the European Union’s Work in the Field of Human Rights and Democratization / Jean P. Froehly -- The Legal Personality of Religious or Belief Communities in the OSCE Region: Challenges and Responses / Dilnoza Satarova
V. Cross-cutting Issues -- 10 Years UN Human Rights Council: Achievements and Challenges / Manfred Nowak -- The Resilience Mantra and the Syrian Refugee Crisis: A Gap Between Reality and Noble Objectives / Alessandra Folcio -- Who Is A Refugee? The Need for Reconceptualization of Asylum and Persecution in the Context of Poverty and Development / Irina Urumova and Juan Ribo Chalmeta -- From Peace Building to State Building: Human Rights and Transitional Justice Processes in Kosovo / Remzije Istrefi
VI. Book Reviews
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