Meet the Authors: Ostap Kushnir

Kolejne spotkanie w serii "Meet the Authors" rozpoczęło się w dniu dzisiejszym o godz. 16:45. Gościem Biblioteki Kolegium na zaproszenie Katedry Europejskiej Polityki Sąsiedztwa był dr Ostap Kushnir z Uczelni Łazarskiego, który zaprezentował swoją książkę pt. "Ukraine and Russian Neo-Imperialism: The Divergent Break" wydaną w tym roku przez oficynę Lexington Books. Pierwsze pytania do naszego gościa skierował szef Katedry, Prof. Tobias Schumacher, który w dalszej części spotkania pełnił także funkcję moderatora dyskusji.

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Ukraine and Russian Neo-Imperialism : The Divergent Break / Ostap Kushnir. Lanham, Maryland : Lexington Books, 2018, ISBN 9781498558631 (hbk), 9781498558648 (ebook) [43961]

Contents: Introduction -- 1. The Nature of Russian Political Culture -- 2. Expansionism as Russian Modus Operandi -- 3. Imperviousness, Cautiousness, and Adaptiveness of Russian Expansionism -- 4. Ukraine's Interrupted Searches for Justice and Order -- 5. Ukraine : the Divergent -- Conclusion.

Book Jacket: "This book first proves that the rationale behind Russia's aggressive actions in its neighborhood resides in its goal of achieving certain geostrategic objectives which are largely predefined by the state’s imperial traditions, memories, and fears that the Kremlin may irretrievably lose control over lands which were once Russian. In other words, Russia constantly remains an expansion-oriented and centralized state regardless of epochs and political regimes ruling over it. That is its geopolitical modus operandi successfully tested throughout history. This book also scrutinizes Ukraine as a young post-colonial and post-communist state which, unlike Russia, is more prone to democratize and decentralize. To understand the logics of the ongoing Ukrainian transformation, its domestic and international developments are assessed in their connection to the Soviet political tradition and the medieval legacy of the Cossack statehood (15–18 centuries). This book outlines differences between the political cultures of Ukrainian and Russian nations. This envisages scrutiny of historical experiences and their impacts on the Ukrainian and Russian state-building, institutional structures, national identity, religious issues, and other features of sovereignty. Based on these discoveries, a structure of symbolic thinking which predefines indigenous understandings of justice and order has been constructed for Ukrainians and Russians."--PUBLISHER'S NOTE.


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Bardzo dziękuję za piękną organizację wydarzenia i za przyjemne wspomnienie, które po wydarzeniu zostały. Ostap Kushnir
Greg Prosmushkin pisze…
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