Rebuilding European Democracy : Resistance and Renewal in an Illiberal Age to najnowsza książka Prof. Richarda Youngs, która ostatnio trafiła do naszych zbiorów. Jest to już kolejna publikacja wykładowcy z University of Warwick (tutaj) i współpracownika Carnegie Europe (tędy).
Rebuilding European Democracy : Resistance and Renewal in an Illiberal Age / Richard Youngs. London : I. B. Tauris [imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing], 2022. viii, 243 p. ; 22 cm. ISBN 9780755639724 (pbk) 9780755639717 (hbk) [call no. 45886]
Dla zaintresowanych spis treści i informacje z okładki poniżej:
Contents: 1. Introduction -- 2. Measuring the challenges to European democracy -- 3. Citizen responses : the people mobilise -- 4. Government responses : democratic consultation on the rise -- 5. Political party responses : democratic realignment? -- 6. Digital responses : reclaiming tech for democracy -- 7. EU responses I : taking on illiberal democracy -- 8. EU responses II : towards a democratic union? -- 9. Pathways to European democratic renovation.
Book Jacket: "In recent years serious concerns emerged over the state of European democracy. Many democracy indices are reporting a year-on-year drift towards less liberal politics in the countries of the European Union. Polls regularly suggest that the voters are coming to question democratic norms more seriously than for many decades. Here, Richard Youngs assesses these risks as many analysts, journalists and politicians stressed the danger of Europe descending into an era of conflict, driven by xenophobic nationalism and nativist authoritarians slowly dismantling liberal democratic rights. In 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic has intensified these fears. There is another side of the democratic equation, however. Youngs argues that governments, EU institutions, political parties, citizens and civil society organisations have gradually begun to push back in defence of democracy. With each chapter, Youngs shows how many governmental, political and social actors have developed responses to Europe's democratic malaise at multiple levels. Europe's democracy problems have been grave and far-reaching. Yet, a spirit of democratic resistance has slowly taken shape. This book argues that the pro-democratic fightback may be belated, but it is real and has assumed significant traction with various types of democratic reform underway, including citizen initiatives, political-party changes, digital activism and EU-level responses."--PUBLISHER'S NOTE.
Autor ma w swoim dorobku kilkanaście książek z interesującej nas tematyki, zatem z zastrzeżeniem, że lista dotyczy jedynie publikacji dostępnych w Bibliotece Kolegium Europejskiego w Natolinie, pozwalam sobie przestawić pobieżną listę wcześniejszych nabytków wraz z łączami do naszego katalogu.
- The European Union and Global Politics / Richard Youngs, Red Globe Press ; Macmillan International Higher Education, 2021 [45882] więcej tutaj,
- Civic activism unleashed : new hope or false dawn for democracy? / Richard Youngs, OUP, 2019 [OSO]
- Europe Reset : New Directions for the EU / Richard Youngs, I.B. Tauris, 2018 [43670]
- Europe's Eastern Crisis : The Geopolitics of Asymmetry / Richard Youngs, CUP, 2017 [43435]
- Climate change and European security / Richard Youngs, Routledge, 2015 [41064]
- Europe in the new Middle East : opportunity or exclusion? / Richard Youngs, OUP, 2014 [40548]
- The uncertain legacy of crisis : European foreign policy faces the future / Richard Youngs, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2014 [42280]
- Europe's decline and fall : the struggle against global irrelevance / Richard Youngs, Profile Books, 2010 [30559], ta książka miała ciekawe perypetie,
- The European Union and Democracy Promotion : A Critical Global Assessment / edited by Richard Youngs, Johns Hopkins UP, 2010 [28964]
- The EU's Role in World Politics : A Retreat from Liberal Internationalism / Richard Youngs, Routledge, 2010 [28522]
- Energy Security : Europe's new foreign policy challenge / Richard Youngs, Routledge, 2009 [25873]
- Political islam and European foreign policy : perspectives from Muslim democrats of the Mediterranean / ed. by Michael Emerson and Richard Youngs, Centre for European Policy Studies, 2007 [online]
- Europe and the Middle East : in the shadow of September 11 / Richard Youngs, Lynne Rienner Pubs., 2006 [21924]
- International Democracy and the West : The Roles of Governments, Civil Society, and Multinational Business / Richard Youngs, OUP, 2004 [OSO]
- The European Union and the Promotion of Democracy : Europe's Mediterranean and Asian Policies / Richard Youngs, OUP, 2002 [OSO]
- The European Union and democracy promotion : the case of North Africa / edited by Richard Gillspie and Richard Youngs, Frank Cass Publishers, 2002 [17392]
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