W grudniu ub. r. ukazał się kolejny tom w serii EELR, więcej można dowiedzieć się na stronie wydawnictwa Intersentia (tutaj), tradycyjnie spis treści i informacje z okładki poniżej:
European Energy Law Report XIV / edited by Martha M. Roggenkamp, Catherine Banet. Cambridge : Intersentia, 2021. xxiv, 314 p. ; 25 cm. ISBN 9781839700293 [Call No. 46109]
Contents: Introduction / Martha M. Roggenkamp and Catherine Banet
1. Developments in The EU and EU Energy Law -- I. Brexit and the Energy Market : The UK Decoupled / Silke Goldberg -- II. The EU's Text Proposal for a Revised Energy Charter Treaty : Legal Consequences and the Practical Implications for the Energy Transition / Cees Verbürg -- III. Review of the EU 20-20-20 Goals / Mihai Tomescu, Melanie Sporer, Suzanne Dael
2. EU Case Law -- IV. How is the Energy Sector Faring at the EU Courts? / Francesco Maria Salerno -- V. Energy Policy Objectives in Lithuania in the Light of Recent State Aid Cases / Rita Paukste -- VI. Offshore Wind Farms and State Aid Rules : The Case of France / Guillaume Dezobry
3. New developments in cross-border energy governance -- VII. Cross-Border Electricity Trade in Europe : Towards an 'Electrical Schengen Area'? / Christian Schneller -- VIII. The New Nordic Balancing Model / Astrid Skjonborg Brunt -- IX. The Contested Legal and Political Landscape of Nord Stream 2 : In Uncharted Waters / Vasyl Chornyi, Anna-Alexandra Marhold
4. Energy Communities -- X. Energy Communities in the EU : Challenges for the Implementation of the EU Legal Framework / Mikołaj Jasiak -- XI. Energy Communities in Spain : Legal and Societal Challenges / David Robinson, Iñigo DEL Guayo -- XII. Energy Communities in the Netherlands : Learning from Local Energy Initiatives / Lea Diestelmeier, Job Swens
5. Clean hydrogen : regulatory frameworks -- XIII. Green Hydrogen Developments in the EU : Cross-Border Cooperation between Germany and the Netherlands / Ruven Fleming -- XIV. The Regulatory Framework for Green Hydrogen Developments in the North Sea / Liv Malin Andreasson.
Book Jacket: "The European Energy Law Reports are an initiative taken by the organisers of the European Energy Law Seminar which has been organised on an annual basis since 1989 at Noordwijk aan Zee in the Netherlands. The aim of this seminar is to present an overview of the most important legal developments in the field of international, EU and national energy and climate law. Whereas the first seminars concentrated on the developments at EC level, which were the results of the establishment of an Internal Energy Market, the focus has now gradually switched to the developments at the national level following the implementation of the EU Directives with regard to the internal electricity and gas markets. This approach can also be found in these reports. This volume includes chapters on “Developments in the EU and EU Energy Law”, “EU Case Law”, “New Developments in Cross-border Energy Governance”, “Energy Communities” and “Clean Hydrogen: Regulatory Frameworks”."--PUBLISHER'S NOTE.