The EU and Its Eastern Neighbourhood : Whither 'Eastern Partnership'?


The European Union and Its Eastern Neighbourhood : Whither 'Eastern Partnership'? pod redakcją naszych naszych wykładowców (Andriy Tyushka & Tobias Schumacher) to książka, która jest zbiorem recenzowanych artykułów naukowych w większości wydanych wcześniej na łamach czasopism wydawnictwa Routledge. Publikacja ukazała się kilka tygodni temu i jest podsumowaniem ostatniej dekady programu Eastern Partnership (EaP). Całość retrospektywnego przeglądu literatury przedmiotu jest podzielona na trzy sekcje (Part I: The EU’s Eastern Partnership and Regional Dynamics: Enduring Issues and Contending Perspectives, Part II:The EU’s Bilateral Engagement with Eastern Neighbours: A Growing Menu of Choice oraz Part III: Looking Backward: The EU, the Eastern Neighbours and the ‘Eastern Partnership’ a Decade Past) i stanowi kompendium wiedzy dla osób zainteresowanych tą problematyką.

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The European Union and Its Eastern Neighbourhood : Whither 'Eastern Partnership'? / edited by Andriy Tyushka, Tobias Schumacher. London ; New York : Routledge, 2022. xx, 364 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. ISBN 9780367538958 (hbk) 9780367538989 (pbk) 9781003083634 (ebk) [Call No. 46073]

Contents: Foreword / Kathariná Mathernová -- Introduction. The European Union, its Eastern Neighbourhood and an Evolving Structured Engagement within and beyond the Eastern Partnership Framework / Tobias Schumacher

I : The EU's Eastern Partnership and Regional Dynamics : Enduring Issues and Contending Perspectives 

1. The European Union's 'Ideal Self' in the Post-Soviet Space / Cristian Nitoiu -- 2. Between the Eastern Partnership and Eurasian Integration : Explaining Post-Soviet Countries' Engagement in (Competing) Region-Building Projects / Laure Delcour -- 3. "The transformative power of Europe" beyond enlargement : the EU's performance in promoting democracy in its neighbourhood / Tanja A. Börzel, Bidzina Lebanidze -- 4. The Geopoliticisation of the EU's Eastern Partnership / David Cadier -- 5. The Unintended Consequences of a European Neighbourhood Policy without Russia / Tom Casier -- 6. Bringing "the political" back into European security : challenges to the EU's ordering of the Eastern Partnership / Liciìnia Simao 

II :The EU's Bilateral Engagement with Eastern Neighbours : A Growing Menu of Choice 

7. State building and European integration in Ukraine / Kataryna Wolczuk -- 8. When Goliath meets Goliath : how Russia and the EU created a vicious circle of instability in Moldova / Ryhor Nizhnikau -- 9. The Politics of Flexibility : Exploring the Contested Statehood–EU Actorness Nexus in Georgia / Madalina Dobrescu, Tobias Schumacher -- 10. Armenia and Belarus : caught between the EU's and Russia's conditionalities? / Alena Vieira, Syuzanna Vasilyan -- 11. The European Union and Belarus : democracy promotion by technocratic means? / Elena A. Korosteleva -- 12. From 'Unilateral' to 'Dialogical' : Determinants of EU–Azerbaijan Negotiations / Eske van Gils 

III : Looking Backward : The EU, the Eastern Neighbours and the 'Eastern Partnership' a Decade Past 

13. Looking Backward : Deliverables and Drawbacks of the Eastern Partnership during 2009-2020 / Andriy Tyushka, Tobias Schumacher -- Conclusion. The EU and its Eastern Neighbourhood - whither 'Eastern Partnership'? Andriy Tyushka.

The Chapters 1 to 12 in this book were originally published between 2015 and 2020 in the following journals: -- Chap. 1. Europe-Asia Studies, 70(5), 692-710 -- Chap. 2. Problems of Post-Communism, 62(6), 316-327 -- Chap. 3. East European politics, 33(1), 17-35 -- Chap. 4. Geopolitics, 24(1), 71-99 -- Chap. 5. The International Spectator, 54(1), 76-88 -- Chap. 6. East European Politics, 33(3), 338-354 -- Chap. 7. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 60(6), 736-754 -- Chap. 8 Global Affairs, 2(2), 203-216 -- Chap. 9. Geopolitics, 25(2), 407-427 -- Chap. 10. European Politics and Society, 19(4), 471-489 -- Chap. 11. Democratization, 23(4), 678-698 -- Chap. 12. Europe-Asia Studies, 70(10), 1572-1596.

Book Jacket: "This edited volume brings together some of the most important scholarly perspectives - in the form of both journal article reprints and original contributions - on the structure and dynamics of the EU’s multi-layered relations with its Eastern neighbours within the Eastern Partnership (EaP) framework and beyond. In May 2019, the EU's EaP - an ambitious and sophisticated policy framework, conjoining elements of cooperation and integration, with the EU’s six eastern neighbours, i.e. Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan - turned ten years. This anniversary, in conjunction with repeatedly voiced critique by scholars and policy-makers alike regarding the framework’s effectiveness and utility, led the EU to submit the EaP to a fundamental auditing and revision. Structured around both enduring and emerging issues in the broader EU-Eastern neighbourhood framework, this book provides a retrospective analysis of key structural and relational challenges, unfolding regional dynamics, distinctive forms of bilateral/multilateral engagement, whilst also offering a critical perspective on the contested future relations between the EU and its Eastern neighbours. Looking backwards and providing a critical and thorough assessment of the first ten years of the EaP in practice, this book thinks forward and gauges its many potential future avenues. This comes at a crucial moment, as the EU and its six Eastern neighbours are in search of new and mutually acceptable forms of association."--PUBLISHER'S NOTE.

Łącza do wersji pełnotekstowych:

1. The European Union's 'Ideal Self' in the Post-Soviet Space / Cristian Nitoiu, in: Europe-Asia Studies, 2018, vol. 70 (issue 5), pp. 692-710,

2. Between the Eastern Partnership and Eurasian Integration : Explaining Post-Soviet Countries' Engagement in (Competing) Region-Building Projects / Laure Delcour, in: Problems of Post-Communism, 2015, vol. 62 (issue 6), pp. 316-327,

3. "The transformative power of Europe" beyond enlargement : the EU's performance in promoting democracy in its neighbourhood / Tanja A. Börzel, Bidzina Lebanidze, in: East European politics, 2017, vol. 33 (issue 1), pp. 17-35,

4. The Geopoliticisation of the EU's Eastern Partnership / David Cadier, in: Geopolitics, 2019, vol. 24 (issue 1), pp. 71-99,

5. The Unintended Consequences of a European Neighbourhood Policy without Russia / Tom Casier, in: The International Spectator, 2019, vol. 54 (issue 1), pp. 76-88,

6. Bringing "the political" back into European security : challenges to the EU's ordering of the Eastern Partnership / Liciìnia Simao, in: East European Politics, 2017, vol. 33 (issue 3), pp. 338-354,

7. State building and European integration in Ukraine / Kataryna Wolczuk, in: Eurasian Geography and Economics, 2019, vol. 60 (issue 6), pp. 736-754,

8. When Goliath meets Goliath : how Russia and the EU created a vicious circle of instability in Moldova / Ryhor Nizhnikau, in: Global Affairs, 2016, vol. 2 (issue 2), pp. 203-216,

9. The Politics of Flexibility : Exploring the Contested Statehood–EU Actorness Nexus in Georgia / Madalina Dobrescu, Tobias Schumacher, in: Geopolitics, 2020, vol. 25 (issue 2), pp. 407-427,

10. Armenia and Belarus : caught between the EU's and Russia's conditionalities? / Alena Vieira, Syuzanna Vasilyan, in: European Politics and Society, 2018, vol. 19 (issue 4), pp. 471-489,

11. The European Union and Belarus : democracy promotion by technocratic means? / Elena A. Korosteleva, in: Democratization, 2016, vol. 23 (issue 4), pp. 678-698,

12. From 'Unilateral' to 'Dialogical' : Determinants of EU–Azerbaijan Negotiations / Eske van Gils, in: Europe-Asia Studies, 2018, vol. 70 (issue 10), pp. 1572-1596,

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