Croatian Yearbook of European Law & Policy 2021


W naszych zbiorach pojawił się kolejny rocznik (Croatian Yearbook of European Law & Policy 2021, vol. 17), zatem bez zbędnych wstępów przedstawiam spis treści tego tomu. Więcej informacji o wcześniejszych tomach można znaleźć tutaj lub na stronie domowej tej zacnej publikacji (tutaj) wydawanej w wolnym dostępie.

Croatian Yearbook of European Law & Policy 2021, vol. 17

Editorial Note

  • Can Climate Policy Give Europe Its Mojo Back? / Gareth Davies


  • The Reality of National Judges as EU Law Judges / Monika Glavina
  • Fundamental Rights of EU Citizens in Purely Internal Situations: From Reverse Discrimination to Incorporation? / Niko Jarak
  • The New EU Space Regulation: One Small Step or One Giant Leap for the EU? / Luka Orešković, Sonja Grgić
  • ‘The Right to Be Forgotten’ and the Sui Generis Controller in the Context of CJEU Jurisprudence and the GDPR / Nina Gumzej
  • Unlawful Aid and Public Undertakings: Vertical Direct Effect of Article 108(3), third sentence TFEU / Łukasz Stępkowski
  • The Reform of the EU Transparency Register / Kim Fyhr
  • Evaluation of the EU Screening Mechanism and the Question of Reciprocity with China / Matija Kontak
  • Promoting the Rule of Law in the EU Enlargement Policy: A Twofold Challenge /Leposava Ognjanoska

Notes, Comments and Reports

  • Caught on the Radar of the European Commission: Croatian Experiences with the Infringement Procedure / Melita Carevic
  • How to Make a Unicorn or ‘There Never was an “Acte Clair” in EU Law’: Some Remarks about Case C-561/19 Consorzio Italian Management / Davor Petrić

EU Bibliography

  • EU Bibliography / Aleksandra Čar

Miłej lektury!
