European Union Politics


Czasopismo European Union Politics (ISSN print 1465-1165, online 1741-2757) wydawane przez Sage Publishing jest z nami od swego powstania, tj. od roku 2000. W pierwszych dwóch latach ukazywały się trzy zeszyty w roku, obecnie jest to kwartalnik. 

Pierwszy zeszyt wydany w roku 2022 to zeszyt specjalny, poniżej szczegółowy spis treści i łącza do wersji elektronicznej:

European Union Politics, Volume 23 Issue 1, March 2022, Special Issue: Electoral responses to the increased contestation over European integration. The European Elections of 2019 and beyond, Guest Editor: Wouter van der Brug, Katjana Gattermann and Claes H. de Vreese (online):

  • Electoral responses to the increased contestation over European integration. The European Elections of 2019 and beyond / Wouter van der Brug, Katjana Gattermann and Claes H. de Vreese
  • Euroscepticism and the use of negative, uncivil and emotional campaigns in the 2019 European Parliament election: A winning combination / Alessandro Nai, Mike Medeiros, Michaela Maier and Jürgen Maier
  • In varietate concordia?! Political parties’ digital political marketing in the 2019 European Parliament election campaign / Simon Kruschinski and Márton Bene
  • Together we stand? Transnational solidarity in the EU in times of crises / Alexia Katsanidou, Ann-Kathrin Reinl and Christina Eder
  • Voting for a social Europe? European solidarity and voting behaviour in the 2019 European elections / Alessandro Pellegata and Francesco Visconti
  • The Brexit deterrent? How member state exit shapes public support for the European Union / Sara B. Hobolt, Sebastian Adrian Popa, Wouter Van der Brug and Hermann Schmitt
  • Issues that mobilize Europe. The role of key policy issues for voter turnout in the 2019 European Parliament election / Daniela Braun and Constantin Schäfer
  • Understanding leader evaluations in European Parliament elections / Katjana Gattermann and Claes H. de Vreese
  • Analysing how crises shape mass and elite preferences and behaviour in the European Union / Catherine E. De Vries
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