European Council as a Crisis Manager


Najnowszy tom w serii Studies on the European Union wydawnictwa Nomos jest poświęcony roli Rady Europejskiej jako menedżera kryzysowego i siły transformacyjnej systemu UE. Publikacja, współautorstwa jednego z naszych wykładowców, łącząc obszerne opisy wydarzeń tworzących historię z pandemicznych lat 2020-21 z teorią funkcjonowania Unii wyjaśnia i krytycznie ocenia innowacyjne podejście RE do tworzenia pakietu naprawczego.

The European Council as a Crisis Manager : The EU's Fiscal Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic / Wolfgang Wessels, Lucas Schramm, Tobias Kunstein. Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2022. 160 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm. Studies on the European Union series, ISBN 9783848784370 print 9783748928126 ePDF [Call No. 46248 & 46249]

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1. Introduction. An ambitious response to a severe crisis -- 1.1. The European Council Conclusions of July 2020 and their legal follow-up -- 1.2. A lively and controversial debate : the European Council's role in framing a master narrative -- 1.3. Challenges for the ivory tower : suggestions for the academic agenda -- 1.3.1. Short-term analyses of objectives and results : a study of the legal documents and their impact -- 1.3.2. Assessing the interinstitutional impact : the European Council's role and beyond -- 1.3.3. Longer-term perspectives : the rescue of the nation states by a Hamiltonian moment? -- 1.4. Conclusion : a moving target to remain on the agenda for research and teaching 

2. The roads to and from the July 2020 meeting of the European Council -- 2.1. The long road and the historical record : the European Council exercising the power of the purse -- 2.2. The long and slow road towards the 2021-2027 MFF : the usual business of postponing divisive issues -- 2.3. The fast track : the European Council in crisis mode -- 2.4. The July marathon meeting : tracing the drama -- 2.5. The bumpy road from the July to the December meeting and the February Regulation -- 2.6. The road map post-agreement -- 2.7. Conclusion : widening and deepening a multi-level analysis 

3. The governance of the RRF : legal rules and procedural patterns -- 3.1. Governance mechanisms : legal rules and their practical use in four phases -- 3.1.1. Preparation phase : a mixture of bottom-up and top-down -- 3.1.2. Decision-making phase : Commission and Council in a traditional pattern under time pressure -- 3.1.3. Implementation phase : complex and complicated rules -- 3.1.4. Control phase : a set of detailed rules including the rule of law -- 3.1.5. A missing actor? A weak role for the EP -- 3.2. Conclusion : governance mechanisms on the research agenda 

4. The impact on the EU's institutional architecture : the European Council as key actor -- 4.1. Explaining the key role of the European Council as a crisis manager -- 4.2. The road to consensus at the summit : the club under stress -- 4.2.1. The importance of a 'comprehensive package' with concrete agreements -- 4.2.2. The role of the Presidency : facilitating consensus as the honest broker -- 4.2.3. The political culture of the leaders' club : an esprit de corps, or the limits of collegiality? -- 4.2.4. Power relations : French-German leadership - a benevolent hegemony? -- 4.3. The impact on interinstitutional balancing -- 4.3.1. The European Council and the EP : follower, rival or partner? -- 4.3.2. The European Council and the Commission : a principal-agent relationship or a special partnership? -- 4.4. On the legitimacy debate : democratic shortcomings or consensus democracy? -- 4.5. Conclusion : the European Council as a transformative force - long-term perspectives on a constitutional architect 

5. Revisiting theoretical approaches : a controversial debate and the challenges for further research -- 5.1. Variants of federalism : Spinelli, Monnet and Hallstein revisited -- 5.2. Variants of functionalism : the comeback of spill-over and supranational institutions -- 5.3. Variants of intergovernmentalism : member states as pivotal players in the EU -- 5.4. Variants of institutionalism : path dependence, self-interest, and political culture -- 5.5. Conclusion : towards further offers 

6. Scenarios for the future : factors and conditions for success and failure -- 6.1. Speculating about a feasible (and valid) test in the real word : challenges for the political arena and the academic ivory tower -- 6.1.1. A scenario of success -- 6.1.2. A scenario of failure -- 6.2. Reflections on the next phase in the EU's construction -- 6.2.1. Towards a new normality : more or less international cooperation -- 6.2.2. A new road map for the future of the Union's architecture -- Conclusions : demands and opportunities for teaching and researching -- 6.3. Lessons learned : recommendations for the teaching agenda -- 6.4. A 'menu' of tasks for further research.

Book Jacket: "Faced with the deepest economic crisis in its history, the European Union established a seminal COVID-19 recovery package relying on common debt. This book analyses the European Council’s key role as a crisis manager and transformative force of the EU system. Combining thick descriptions of the history-making events of 2020-21 with EU theorising, we explain and critically assess the innovative set-up of the recovery package. Inside the European Council, we find a remarkable impetus for political consensus among national leaders. However, their detailed and ambiguous decisions at times came at the cost of political delay, legal uncertainty, and thin public scrutiny."--PUBLISHER'S NOTE.
