Political System of the EU (4th ed)

Najnowsze, czwarte uaktualnione wydanie podręcznika The Political System of the European Union wydane w seii The European Union Series trafiło właśnie do naszych zbiorów, z czego jesteśmy niezmiernie radzi. Szczegółowe informacje o książce są dostępne na stronie wydawnictwa (tutaj), natomiast poniżej zamiszczam spis treści i informacje z okładki.

The Political System of the European Union (fourth edition) / Simon Hix, Bjørn Høyland. London ; New York : Bloomsbury Academic, 2022. xvii, 434 p. ; 23 cm. The European Union series, ISBN 9781350325470 paperback, 9781350325487 hardback, 9781350325494 pdf, 9781350325517 epub [Call No. 46253, 46254, 46255]

Introduction : Explaining the EU Political System -- I. Government -- Executive Politics -- Legislative Politics -- Judicial Politics -- II. Politics -- Public Opinion -- Democracy, Parties and Elections -- Interest Representation -- III. Policies -- Regulation of the Single Market -- Expenditure Policies -- Economic and Monetary Union -- Interior Policies -- Foreign Policies -- Conclusion : A Political System in Crisis?

Book Jacket: "Starting from the observation that the EU now possesses many of the attributes of modern political systems, Hix and Høyland take an innovative approach to analysing, researching and teaching the European Union. Using the general theories of political science to understand how the EU works, this text covers each of the main processes in the EU political system - executive, legislative and judicial politics, public opinion, interest groups and democracy, and regulatory, monetary and foreign policies - introducing the key political science tools, reviewing the relevant theories, and applying the knowledge in detailed descriptive analysis. As well as incorporating new data and the latest research, this new edition examines the consequences of the dramatic political and policy developments in the EU over the past decade. The methodology used in the text makes the political system of the EU accessible to political science students as a whole, as well as those specifically studying and researching the EU."--PUBLISHER'S NOTE.

Warto także rzucić okiem na wstęp do czwartej edycji, w którym Autorzy tłumaczą, co działo się od wydania trzeciego, które ukazało się w roku 2011 i jaki wpływ na ich pracę miał brytyjski premier David Cameron...

Miłej lektury!
