Najnowsze, siódme wydanie popularnego podręcznika autorstwa Prof. Catherine Barnard pt. The Substantive Law of the EU : The Four Freedoms ukazało się się w sierpniu tego roku nakładem wydawnictwa Oxford University Press (tędy, proszę) i już możemy się cieszyć z tego nabytku, ponieważ książka jest intensywnie wykorzystywana w pierwszym semestrze i nie tylko.
The Substantive Law of the EU : The Four Freedoms (seventh edition) / Catherine Barnard. Oxford : Oxford Univeristy Press, 2022. civ, 631 pages : illustrations, 25 cm. ISBN 9780192857880 [Call No. 46375].
Spris treści i informacje z okładki poniżej:
Contents: Part I: Introduction -- 1. Introduction to the Issues -- Part II: Free Movement of Goods -- 2. Fiscal Measures: Customs Duties and Internal Taxation -- 3. Non-Fiscal Measures: Quantitative Restrictions and Measures Having Equivalent Effect -- 4. Article 34 TFEU and Certain Selling Arrangements -- 5. Derogations and Justifications -- Part III: Free Movement of Persons and Services -- 6. The Free Movement of Persons: Key Principles -- 7. Free Movement of Workers and the Self-Employed -- 8. Freedom for Individuals to Provide and Receive Services -- 9. Union Citizenship -- 10. Legally Resident Third-Country Nationals and the EU -- 11. Freedom of Establishment and Freedom to Provide Services: Legal Persons -- 12. Derogations and Justifications -- Part IV: Free Movement of Capital -- 13. Free Movement of Capital -- Part V: Completing the Single Market -- 14. Regulating the Internal Market.
Book Jacket: "The leading textbook on the four freedoms, popular with students and academics alike. This authoritative text offers a unique balance of comprehensive, detailed coverage in a concise and readable style, providing a critical and thorough analysis of the key principles of the substantive law of the EU. An introductory chapter provides valuable context on the governance of the internal market, its evolution, and the theories behind its key principles. Each of the freedoms is then dealt with in turn, covering goods, persons, services, and capital, before moving on to discuss harmonization, the regulation of the internal market, and its future. Additional useful detail is captured in footnotes, while directed further reading lists provide support for independent study and research. This thorough coverage is fully supported by engaging case studies throughout the book which place the law in context, helping students to understand the complexities of the subject and exploring the practical implications of EU law. Diagrams, flowcharts, and tables offer further detail and illustrate key ideas and processes in an easily accessible format, while chapter overviews, chapter content lists, and a clear structure ensure readers remain on track and can find information quickly."--PUBLISHER's DESCRIPTION.
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