Economics of Monetary Union (14th ed)


Najnowsze, 14-ste  wydanie podręcznika Economics of Monetary Union wydawnictwa Oxford University Press jest już na półce. Przy okazji mała retrospektywa: pierwsze wydanie książki ukazało się w roku 1992, a potem pojawiały się kolejne. Z książki nasi studenci korzystają od samego początku.

Economics of Monetary Union (14th edition) / Paul De Grauwe. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2022. x, 304 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm. ISBN 9780192849779 paperback, 9780192666628 epub [Call No. 46525]

Spis treści i informacje z okładki:

Contents: I. Costs and Benefits of Monetary Union -- 1. The costs of a common currency -- 2. The theory of optimum currency areas : a critique -- 3. The benefits of a common currency -- 4. Costs and benefits compared -- II. Monetary Union -- 5. The fragility of incomplete monetary unions -- 6. The transition to a monetary union -- 7. How to complete a monetary union -- 8. Political economy of deconstructing the Eurozone -- 9. The European Central Bank -- 10. Monetary policy in the Eurozone -- 11. Fiscal policies in monetary unions -- 12. The euro and financial markets.

Book Jacket: "Reflecting the most update-to-date coverage of institutional changes within the European Monetary Union, the fourteenth edition of De Grauwe's established textbook continues to encourage students to think critically about the sustainability of the Eurozone. The author uses an authoritative, concise and exciting approach to analyse theories and policies relating to monetary union, allowing students to develop a balanced understanding of different arguments and perspectives. Part One examines the implications of adopting a common currency while Part Two considers the problems associated with running a monetary union. Both parts analyse Europe's experience and the issues faced by the European Central Bank. Case studies throughout the text provide rich, real life and qualitative examples to help students connect with the concepts and policies presented. Additionally, each chapter ends with a conclusion recapping the core issues, and a set of questions, which encourages students to test their knowledge and stretch their understanding further."--PUBLISHER'S NOTE.

I jeszcze kilka zdań ze wstępu: "The present edition of the book also adds discussions about international changes that have been introduced since the eruption of the sovereign debt crisis and since Covid-19 pandemic hit us. An important one is the decision to create a banking union in the Eurozone, We analyse the ingredients of this banking union. We ask whether it is sufficient to deal with new banking crises and what it implies for the future of the Eurozone. We study the new policy tools (both monetary and fiscal) that have been created at the moment the pandemic shook the Eurozone economies. Finally, we take a forward-looking perspective and study the need for budgetary and political union to ensure the sustainability of the Eurozone." (s. X)

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