International Relations and the EU (4th ed)


Najnowsze, czwarte wydanie International Relations and the European Union z 'New European Union series' jest już u nas dostępne. Książka ukazała się dosłownie kilka dni temu, a już udało się nam ją pochwycić, w dodatku w rozsądnej cenie. Poprzednia edycja miała swoje kilka słów tutaj, natomiast zgodnie z przyjętymi zasadami, śpieszę z dokładniejszymi danymi bibliograficznymi, spisem treści i wszystkim, co trzeba, jeśli kto zainteresowany.

International Relations and the European Union (fourth edition) / edited by Christopher Hill, Sophie Vanhoonacker, Michael Smith. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2023. New European Union series, ISBN 9780192897343 [Call No. 46541]

Spis treści i informacje z okładki:


Part I: Frameworks -- 1. Introduction: Approaches and Concepts / Christopher Hill, Michael Smith, and Sophie Vanhoonacker -- 2. The European Union in World Politics: An Historical Overview / Christopher Hill, Michael Smith, and Sophie Vanhoonacker -- 3. The European Union and Theories of International Relations / Filippo Andreatta and Lorenzo Zambernardi

Part II: Institutions and Processes -- 4. The Institutional Framework / Sophie Vanhoonacker and Karolina Pomorska -- 5. European Foreign Policy and The Role of Member States: Europeanisation or Renationalisation? / Spyros Economides -- 6. The Implementation of EU foreign policy / Ana E. Juncos -- 7. Democracy and the Populist Surge / Christopher Lord 

Part III: Activities and Impact -- 8. The EU as a Trade Power / Sophie Meunier and Kalypso Nicolaïdis -- 9. The European Union and the Global Political Economy / Amy Verdun -- 10. The Challenge of the Environment, Energy, and Climate Change / John Vogler -- 11. The EU's Approach to International Development: Evolving Tensions and Contested Transformations / Maurizio Carbone -- 12. The Shadows of Empire: African Perceptions of Europe and the EU / Adekeye Adebajo -- 13 An End to Enlargementa The EU, its Neighbourhood and European Order? / Karen Smith -- 14. The EU's Security and Defence Policy: A New Leap Forward? / Jolyon Howorth -- 15. Migration: The Dilemmas of External Relations / Christopher Hill -- 16. Internal Security and External Complications / Sarah Wolff -- 17. The EU and the USA: Competitive Cooperation in a Turbulent World? / Michael Smith and Rebecca Steffenson -- 18. Global Europe: A Pivot to Asia? / Stephan Keukeleire and Hai Yang 

Part IV: Evaluation and Conclusion -- 19. Principles in EU Foreign Policy: How Distinctive? / Helene Sjursen -- 20. Acting for Europe: Reassessing the European Union's Role in International Relations / Christopher Hill, Michael Smith, and Sophie Vanhoonacker.

Book Jacket: "International Relations and the European Union takes a unique approach by incorporating the study of the EU's world role into the wider field of international relations. As the most comprehensive introduction to the EU's international relations written by leading experts in the field, it is the key text for anyone wishing to understand the EU's role in the contemporary world. Beginning with an examination of theoretical frameworks and approaches, the book goes on to address the institutions and processes that surround the EU's international relations. Key policy areas, such as security and trade, are outlined in detail, alongside the EU's relations with specific countries and regions. Updates for the fourth edition include new chapters on the EU's relationship with Africa and Asia, coverage of the implementation of the EU's foreign policy, and exploration of how the EU's international relations relate historically to the European integration process, and the contemporary issue of migration."--PUBLISHER'S DESCRIPTION.

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