Homelands : A Personal History of Europe


Homelands, najnowsza książka autorstwa Timothy Garton Asha jest już w naszych zbiorach, kilka dni po jej europejskiej premierze. Mam nadzieję, że niebawem pojawi się polski przekład, tymczasem zamieszczam dodatkowe informacje bibliograficzne, spis treści i notatkę z okładki. Na stronach 124-126 wydania Bodley Head / Vintage nawiązanie do Bruges Speech, czyli przemówienia wygłoszonego w Brugii przez Margaret Thatcher podczas ceremonii otwarcia roku akademickiego 1988/1989 (pisałem o tym wcześniej tutaj) i o brugijskim wystąpieniu Angeli Merkel w roku 2010. Zachęcam zatem do lektury.

Homelands : A Personal History of Europe / Timothy Garton Ash. London : The Bodley Head, 2023. xix, 363 pages ; 24 cm. ISBN 9781847926623 tpb, 9781847926616 hb, [Call No. 46636]

Contents: Prologue. Our time -- Destroyed (1945) -- Westen -- Hell -- Osten -- Zero, recurring -- Of fathers and fatherlands -- The memory engine -- Divided (1961-1979) -- Curfew -- Europes -- Being there -- Kaleidotapestry -- Hamlet and the Yellow Submarine -- Rome -- Cold War West -- Friedrichstrasse, East -- Rising (1980-1989) -- Freedom's battle -- 1984 -- 68ers and post-68ers -- Angelo Gotti -- Spectator Britain -- The upward turn -- Joachim -- Wall's fall -- Triumphing (1990-2007) -- Post-Wall world -- The enlargement of the West -- Integration and disintegration -- Good King Wenceslas -- Genocide again -- Fish soup -- Freedom and its discontents -- One coin to bind them all -- From 9/11 to 9/11 -- Muslims in Europe -- Cool Britannia -- Hubris -- Faltering (2008-2022) -- Zweig and the downward turn -- Euro, crisis -- Clash of empires -- Charlie Hebdo -- 'Invaders' -- Brexit -- Demolition -- A new Iron Curtain -- War in Ukraine -- Delphi -- Epilogue: On a Normandy Beach.

Book Jacket: "Drawing from the people who lived it, Homelands explores how Europe slowly recovered and rebuilt from World War Two. And then faltered. Timothy Garton Ash, our greatest writer about Europe, has spent a lifetime studying Europe and this deeply felt book is full of vivid experiences: from his father's memories of D-Day and his own surveillance at the hands of the Stasi to interviewing Albanian guerrillas in the mountains of Kosovo and angry teenagers in the poorest quarters of Paris, as well as advising prime ministers, chancellors and presidents. Homelands is at once a living, breathing history of a period of unprecedented progress, a clear-eyed account of how so much then went wrong and an urgent call to the citizens of this great old continent to understand and defend what we have collectively achieved."--PUBLISHER'S NOTE.
