Europa Quo Vadis?

Europa Quo Vadis? Lower Silesian Conference / ed. Antoni Kukliński, Janisław Muszyński, Grzegorz Roman, Jan Waszkiewicz. 2010 Marshal's Office of Lower Silesia, Lower Silesia Foundation for Regional Development, Wrocław, ISBN 9788393228706.

Informacja ze strony :
"W czerwcu 2010 r. odbyła się we Wrocławiu międzynarodowa konferencja pod nazwą „Europa Quo Vadis?”, której organizatorami byli Dolnośląska Fundacja Rozwoju Regionalnego oraz Województwo Dolnośląskie. Zgromadzeni politycy, naukowcy i samorządowcy, z Polski i zagranicy, diagnozowali kondycję współczesnej Unii Europejskiej oraz omówili szereg wyzwań stojących w przyszłości przed Wspólnotą zarówno w wymiarze kontynentalnym, jak i regionalnym. Jednym z rezultatów konferencji jest strategiczna publikacja „Europa Quo Vadis?”."

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Spis treści:

Part One: Europa Quo Vadis? – Paradigmatic approaches -- Europa Quo Vadis? Lower Silesian Conference. June 10-13 2010 A programmatic paper / Antoni Kukliński -- A reaction to paradigmatic questions of the Lower Silesian Conference / Roman Galar -- No future without planetary vision / Mark Dubrulle -- Comments inspired by Antoni Kukliński / Ivo Slaus -- Quo Vadis Europa? / Krzysztof Pietraszkiewicz -- The Fever of Innovation? Comments to “the lost capability of innovation” / Wojciech Burzyński -- Comments on the programmatic paper of Prof. Kukliński / Herman Baeyens -- EURENAISSANCE - Programme for Revival of Europe / Janisław Muszyński -- Some Comments on Professor Kukliński’s Concept of International Research Project / Juliusz Kotyński -- A comment to the conference “Europa Quo Vadis?”: The new place for Europe in the World order / Wiktor Łyżwiński -- Europa Quo Vadis? – The Lower Silesian Conference. Publications and Research Programme 2010-2011-2012. A Memorandum / Antoni Kukliński -- Part Two: Transformations of Europe -- Enlarging European Union - global challenges and prospects for the next decades / Juliusz Kotyński -- European economy in the 21st century – conditions of development, turning points, strategic choices / Stanisław M. Szukalski -- Ethnic and religious changes in Western Europe in the first decades of the 21st century / Piotr Szukalski -- Finland 2050 in the Perspective of Global Change / Valtteri Kaartemo, Jari Kaivo-Oja -- Quo Vadis Flandria? Regional Development in a Multicultural Context / Herman Baeyens -- Part Three: Europe facing the challenges of the XXI century -- Europe Quo Vadis? No choice: Sustainable Europe / Raoul Weiler -- Running without learning / Gilbert Fayl, Ulric Fayl Von Hentaller -- Could Euro-Enthusiasts Pull the EU out of the Crisis? / Roman Galar -- Is European Union falling apart? / Hans van Zon -- Europe 2020’ between “sustainable recovery” and “lost decade” / Paul Drewe -- Designing the Future in Europe: a story of one international colloquium / František Petrášek -- Lower Silesian Conference 2010, an Overview / Wojciech Burzyński -- Part Four: The future of European Regions -- The world, Europe, Poland, a region after the crisis – to what extent is it possible to predict what they will look like? / Jan Waszkiewicz -- Thinking about Regions for the Next Generation / Roman Galar -- On the “Black Swan” Inspired Attitudes toward Future / Roman Galar -- Regions and their development – a holistic approach / Anna Gąsior-Niemiec -- Statistical methods of analysis of information society growth: examples of regions in Italy and Poland / Jan Grzegorek, Andrzej P. Wierzbicki -- Building regional identity of Lower Silesia in the context of the National Regional Policy and EU Cohesion Policy Concept / Tomasz Bogusz, Miłosz Zankowski, Artur Łysoń -- Europa Quo Vadis? Post scriptum / Antoni Kukliński, Janisław Muszyński -- Lower Silesian Foundation for Regional Development -- The list of the authors, editors and panelists.

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