Policy-Making in the EU

Dostępne w naszych zasobach jest już siódme wydanie podręcznika Policy-Making in the European Union, które ukazało się w prestiżowej serii New European Union series (do strony wydawcy proszę tędy) nakładem Oxford University Press. Spis treści i dodatkowe informacje poniżej.

Policy-Making in the European Union (7th edition) / edited by Helen Wallace, Mark A. Pollack, Alasdair R. Young. Oxford ; New York, NY : Oxford University Press, 2015, New European Union series, ISBN 9780199689675 [tutaj

Contents:  Part I. Institutions, Process and Analytical Approaches -- 1. An Overview / Mark A. Pollack, Helen Wallace, Alasdair R.Young -- 2. Theorizing EU Policy-Making / Mark A. Pollack -- 3. The European Policy Process in Comparative Perspective / Alasdair R. Young -- 4. An Institutional Anatomy and Five Policy Modes / Helen Wallace -- Part II. Policies -- 5. The Single Market : From Stagnation to Renewal / Alasdair R.Young -- 6. Competition Policy : Defending the Economic Constitution / Stephen Wilks -- 7. Policy-Making under Economic and Monetary Union: Crisis, Change, and Continuity / Dermot Hodson -- 8. The Common Agricultural Policy : The Fortress Challenged / Christilla Roederer-Rynnning -- 9. The Budget : Who Gets What, When, and How? / Brigid Laffan, Johannes Linder -- 10. Cohesion Policy: A New Direction for New Times? / David Allen -- 11. Social Policy : Left to the Judges and the Markets? / Stephan Leibfried -- 12. Employment Policy : Between Efficacy and Experimentation / Martin Rhodes -- 13. Environmental Policy : Contending Dynamics of Policy Change / Andrea Lenshow -- 14. Energy Policy: Sharp Challenges and Rising Ambitions / David Buchan -- 15. Justice and Home Affairs : Institutional Change and Policy Continuity / Sandra Lavenex -- 16. Trade Policy : Policy-making after the Treaty of Lisbon / Stephen Woolcock -- 17. Enlargement : Constituent Policy and Tool for External Governance / Ulrich Sedelmeier -- 18. Foreign and Security Policy : Civilian Power Europe and American Leadership / Bastian Giegerich -- Part III. Conclusions -- 19. Policy-Making in a Time of Crisis: Trends and Challenges / Mark A. Pollack, Helen Wallace, Alasdair R. Young. 

Book Jacket:  "Constantly evolving, and with far-reaching implications, European Union policy-making is of central importance to the politics of the European Union. From defining the processes, institutions and modes through which policy-making operates, the text moves on to situate individual policies within these modes, detail their content, and analyse how they are implemented, navigating policy in all its complexities. The first part of the text examines processes, institutions, and the theoretical and analytical underpinnings of policy-making, while the second part considers a wide range of policy areas, from economics to the environment, and security to the single market. Throughout the text, theoretical approaches sit side by side with the reality of key events in the EU, including enlargement, the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty, and the financial crisis and resulting euro area crisis, exploring what determines how policies are made and implemented. In the final part, the editors consider trends in EU policy-making and look at the challenges facing the EU. Exploring the link between the modes and mechanisms of EU policy-making and its implementation at national level, Policy-Making in the Europe Union helps students to engage with the key issues related to policy. Written by experts, for students and scholars alike, this is the most authoritative and in-depth guide to policy in the European Union. Readership: Undergraduates and postgraduate students on EU Policy-Making courses, or those studying on broader Politics or European Studies courses. Anyone with an interest in the European Union."

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