European Yearbook on Human Rights 2014

Kolejny tom rocznika European Yearbook on Human Rights (EYHR), wspólnej inicjatywy oficyn NWV (Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, Wien / Graz) i Intersentia (Mortsel / Antwerp) za rok 2014 został ostatnio dołączony do naszej kolekcji. W pierwszej części rocznika znajdują się artykuły poświęcone aktualnym wydarzeniom związanym z kwestiami respektowania praw człowieka, w kolejnych wypowiadają się na ten temat eksperci poprzez analizowanie aktywności trzech głównych organizacji zobowiązanych do zapewnienia praw człowieka w Europie: UE, Rady Europy i OBWE. W części piątej zamieszczono artykuły na temat roli społeczeństwa obywatelskiego w ochronie praw człowieka i na tematy przekrojowe.

European Yearbook on Human Rights 2014 / edited by Wolfgang Benedek, Florence Benoît-Rohmer, Wolfram Karl, Matthias C. Kettemann, Manfred Nowak. 2014, Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag : Intersentia, 547 s., ISBN 9783708309873. Wcześniejszy wpis dotyczący tego rocznika jest tutaj. Szczegółowy spis treści poniżej, zapraszam do lektury:

European Yearbook on Human Rights 2014

I. Topics of the Year -- Reinforcement of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights / Zdzislaw (Dzidek) Kedzia -- Digital Human Rights Defence: The Challenges and Opportunities of Using Social Media for Human Rights Documentation and Monitoring / Anita Danka and Oliver Pahnecke -- Lampedusa: The Lack of Solidarity and the Human Rights Crisis at the EU’s External Borders / Lisa Maria Heschl

II. European Union -- EU Action on Human and Fundamental Rights in 2013 / Wolfgang Benedek -- A Human Rights Champion? The EU at the UN Human Rights Council in 2013 / Theodor Rathgeber -- Reform of the EU Human Rights Policy and the Challenge of Implementation / Jarmo Oikarinen -- La Cour de Justice de l’Union et l’application de la Charte dans les Etats membres : « Mehr Licht ? » / Jean Paul Jacqué -- Article 53 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU: Recent Developments / Martina Almhofer and Johannes Hartlieb -- Furthering the Human Rights of LGBTI People: A View from within the European Parliament / Ulrike Lunacek -- EU Guidelines on the Promotion and Protection of Freedom of Religion or Belief / Eva Maria Lassen -- ASEAN’s Regional Approach to Human Rights: The Limits of the European Model? / Dimitri Vanoverbeke and Michael Reiterer -- Data Protection vs. Security in the European Union / Alba Bescos Pou -- In the Best Interests of the Child? Towards a Common EU Approach to Migrant Minors in Detention / Nora Scheucher -- The European Union and a Prohibition on Goods Produced by Child Labour and Forced Labour / Abraham Pieter Vingerling -- EU External Assistance and the Prevention of Atrocity Crimes / Davide Zaru -- Integrating Human Rights in EU Development Cooperation Policy: Achievements and Challenges / David d’Hollander, Axel Marx and Jan Wouters -- International and European Approaches to Extraterritorial Liability for Violation of Fundamental Rights in International Criminal Law / Henning Bang Fuglsang Madsen Sørensen

III. Council of Europe -- The Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights in 2013: A Year of Breakthroughs Brigitte Ohms and Elisabeth Handl-Petz -- The EU’s Accession to the ECHR: Recent Developments and Remarks on the Relationship between the ECJ and the ECtHR / Gregor Heissl -- Monitoring Freedom of Expression in Council of Europe Member States: Only Desirable or also Unavoidable? / Jan Malinowski -- The Council of Europe’s Position vis-à-vis the Proposal to Establish a “Rule of Law Mechanism” in the European Union / Agnieszka Szklanna -- CAHVIO – New Standards for the Protection Against Gender-Based and Domestic Violence / Petra Smutny and Christian Manquet -- States’ Due Diligence Obligations to Protect Women from Violence: A European Perspective in Light of the 2011 CoE Istanbul Convention / Sara de Vido -- Not for Sale: Towards a Council of Europe Convention against Trafficking in Human Organs / Martina Klein

IV. OSCE -- Closing the Implementation Gap: The OSCE and Added Value from Stronger Synergies Between Human Rights Organizations / Christian Strohal -- Trial Monitoring: OSCE Methodologies /  Maria Alcidi -- When “Economic” Means Much More: Researching the Nexus Between the Economic Recession and the Implementation of Civil and Political Rights / Irina Urumova -- The OSCE and Human Rights Defenders: A Longstanding and Contentious Relationship / Snježana Bokulić

V. Cross-cutting Issues -- A Medical and Legal Analysis of Circumcision of Male Children / Jonathan Bernaerts -- Can Women Trafficked for the Purpose of Sexual Exploitation Claim Asylum? Defining the Refugee Convention’s ‘Particular Social Group’ / Melanie Fiona Oliver -- Humanizing Criminal Justice? Restorative Approaches under Fair Trial Scrutiny / Clara Rigoni -- Kin or Foe? Hungary’s Policy Towards Its Kin Minorities / Óscar A. Lema Bouza -- An Illiberal Constitutional System in the Middle of Europe / Gábor Halmai.

Miłej lektury!
